
I did not misuse literal there. Those were the exact words I spoke. That is literally how I explained it. I did not explain it (strictly) literally.

I think Felicity has thought a lot about sleeping with Oliver and not thought at all about dating him. She's basically got an invisible wet-blanket boyfriend from whom her attraction to Oliver gradually drives her apart, but the show mercifully saved us from having to actually experience that character.

Yeah, I don't know if I was being ironic either. I just throw shit out there. (I've filled out a bit in the bad ways since the Mad Men avatar craze, but it was a pretty good likeness back then).

That's some really clever superiority right there. Do you not use/cross roads to avoid car accidents? Do you believe "not having sex" is the solution to stopping teen pregnancy? Or can people maybe want to solve problems you don't personally encounter?

Yes, what with the violence and nudity and incest and betrayal and warfare and assassination, paying attention is truly a struggle.

My problem isn't that "incest is bad," it's that "incest is vomitingly disgusting." How many of the people throwing out arguments in favor of not EWWWWWWWWWWing about this case of incest have similarly aged siblings of the gender they're attracted to? Cause I have 3 and EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.

When that wedding guest has tried to assassinate your family and everyone knows it? I doubt it. [Vague Spoilers] This isn't Ice and Fire spending several books pounding the guest laws into us before violently subverting them (and finally showing me how little I was enjoying the series).

Why didn't they just disappear Caterina when she came to the wedding? It's not like she was a supposed ally and killing her would give others pause before allying with you in the future.

It's horrifyingly common in the fantasy genre.

Damn, I couldn't remember who Alex was, so I thought "Maybe he was the young guy she dated from business school?" and then you had to go and throw that in the garbage.

I was swearing up and down that it wasn't Dilshad Vadsaria on that table, but I had no idea if that meant they didn't want to pay a real actress to be a corpse or if it were a different body. I'm content that it was supposed to be Padme now.

With pit bulls  I grew up knowing my mom was terrified of them and thinking everyone felt that way, but my wife was familiar with the breed (she worked summers at a vet even) and had no idea people had problems with them.

Is Shaggydog dead? I kinda thought Shaggydog was dead. Whatever, the wolves are exhibit one in my argument that Ice and Fire is misery porn.

I had a small stuffed bear named Baby Bear. Because he was small. I also had a brown stuffed bear named Brown Bear. Because he was brown. My blanket went by the name Blanket, though I don't think I personified it much.

Yeah, but if you're freaking out over a great disparity, you don't need to reference the grade at all. "I normally agree mostly with your reviews, but I'm totally on the other side of this one."

@avclub-6c4c9c97bc5a1a7af8198dcfc303bdb5:disqus  It's not just drama, but insisting that sex is something that a man does to a woman, not something two people do together. It was awesome that ASP could write a scene in which Ginny was both sad and also clearly totally in control of what had happened. I think that's

I refuse to believe any references to them still being in high school are anything but an overt joke. "Here, let me put down this scotch I've been nursing, I've got precal in an hour" "Oh Elena, you're hilarious"

You're crazy: the mundanity of the object, the childishness of it, was one of the best emotional daggers in that speech. The fact that it was a real-world brand made it all the more jarring.

Our heroes have the sheriff/chief of police in their pocket, though.

I just posted it above, but I figure the cable company can tell what  channel the box is on, which is pretty much the same thing.