
I never saw (and never will) the turtle episode, but I had issues with one where they got live crabs. Some of them were quickly dissecting them, which seems like a pretty painless way to go, but others were putting them in the oven still crawling around. I don't care how primitive your nervous system is, I'm pretty

The commercials make this movie look like it could have been made in 1987 without changing anything.

The commercials make this movie look like it could have been made in 1987 without changing anything.

I think CJ seems like a cool guy who is probably a good chef, but he was terrible at Top Chef and it was getting exhausting rooting for him.

I think CJ seems like a cool guy who is probably a good chef, but he was terrible at Top Chef and it was getting exhausting rooting for him.

No, the funniest was the Ben and Kate opening where they talked about code-words for sex, and then his face at the end.

No, the funniest was the Ben and Kate opening where they talked about code-words for sex, and then his face at the end.

It feels like an old Fox, Sunday at 10 show to me. But also, how can ABC have Revenge, Grey's Anatomy, Nashville, and Scandal and spread them over three nights? Move Last Resort to Wednesday at 10, put Nashville between Grey's at 8 and Scandal at 10. Or put Once Upon a Time in the Thursday 8 sacrificial slot, then

It feels like an old Fox, Sunday at 10 show to me. But also, how can ABC have Revenge, Grey's Anatomy, Nashville, and Scandal and spread them over three nights? Move Last Resort to Wednesday at 10, put Nashville between Grey's at 8 and Scandal at 10. Or put Once Upon a Time in the Thursday 8 sacrificial slot, then

The one thing I didn't expect when I moved here is how short the days get in the winter. It's not even winter yet, but as I write this at 4:45pm, I'd have trouble reading a book outside. It'll be full dark by 5:30. It's because we're surprisingly far north; I grew up in Detroit, and we're a solid 200 miles north of

The one thing I didn't expect when I moved here is how short the days get in the winter. It's not even winter yet, but as I write this at 4:45pm, I'd have trouble reading a book outside. It'll be full dark by 5:30. It's because we're surprisingly far north; I grew up in Detroit, and we're a solid 200 miles north of

Didn't you start doing this like six months ago?

Didn't you start doing this like six months ago?

Uh, what "cultural heritage" do I have to "fall back on as defense/justification" that Warren doesn't? A bunch of stuff my family told me? How is that different?

Uh, what "cultural heritage" do I have to "fall back on as defense/justification" that Warren doesn't? A bunch of stuff my family told me? How is that different?

That's a meaningless distinction: as far as I know and can check, I'm Lithuanian. I know which ancestors are purportedly Lithuanian, I have vague knowledge of emigration, I look very Lithuanian (and very German and very English, and like both my grandfathers and both their fathers), my grandma's maiden name is

That's a meaningless distinction: as far as I know and can check, I'm Lithuanian. I know which ancestors are purportedly Lithuanian, I have vague knowledge of emigration, I look very Lithuanian (and very German and very English, and like both my grandfathers and both their fathers), my grandma's maiden name is

Kara, but that's what I mean. If you asked me to list my heritage, it would include all of that. Three decades later, if I found out my mom's dad's dad in fact had no German in him, and that the Jonathan Edwards, crazy preacher, stuff was wrong (again, there are some records, but I'm not sure we can trace the line

Kara, but that's what I mean. If you asked me to list my heritage, it would include all of that. Three decades later, if I found out my mom's dad's dad in fact had no German in him, and that the Jonathan Edwards, crazy preacher, stuff was wrong (again, there are some records, but I'm not sure we can trace the line

I mean, my family told me that I'm descended from Jonathan Edwards, crazy preacher (my mom's maiden name is Edwards, and there are actually some records). A girl I knew in high school claimed to descend from William Wallace (her last name was Wallace). I've supposedly got German from both parents, and maybe English