It bothered me that Jim had a good idea, to just give everyone small raises, that would have gone well with his straight talk, and then all of a sudden had a bad one he presented to everyone.
It bothered me that Jim had a good idea, to just give everyone small raises, that would have gone well with his straight talk, and then all of a sudden had a bad one he presented to everyone.
Film Stock
I watched this through . . . unconventional . . . means, but I don't think I'm wrong when I say that they were using the cheap film stock Fox uses on that shrink show they film in South America. I really hate it.
Made even stranger by the fact that these unfamiliar accents are actually their native accents.
There was a Wendy's in the University of Michigan Hospital for years, though it did get kicked out for some "healthier" bagel shop. But that's one of the best hospitals in the world.
Good god, that was my freshman year in time and content. With the three MTVs, you could pretty much always find Hey Ya, Toxic, or Yeah. I spent at least three weekend nights in a dorm room just doing that with people.
Uh, what? You need a Ph.D. to be called "Doctor." You need to be standing in front of a class to be called "Professor."
Wow, really, when Ted was whipping things you predicted that it maybe would go sideways? No way! Which way are the stock markets going tomorrow?
I caught up . . . to this three week old post!
Not a character
Hey, you know all those times you thought a city was a character? Well it totally wasn't. It was in fact just a really great setting. Can you please explain to me how it started being a character? How did it impact the plot? Or was it just, you know, WHERE the plot was?
This episode was pretty bad, but it's been ok so far.
Buffy topped it by thwarting a bigger, sadder Armageddon, then a much bigger, cooler Armageddon, then a boring frankenstein, etc, etc. . . The answer is, by more armageddons.
Naw, they'll keep it in their pants for the rest of the show and then be married within a year of the end.
I heard this guy on NPR and I came away wondering what exactly the point was. He didn't seem to indicate that he'd actually ever been especially overweight, and he claims to have a diet as ravenous for exercise as food. And he was once a world class athlete. So what's this all about? A slightly chubby kid who…
Gossip Girl
Someone is covering Gossip Girl, and it's not Mr. Tobias? Why even bother? Also, I'm a big defender of the show, but I thought it lost a lot of steam at the end of last season and might suck pretty hard this season.
Oh man
When I scrolled down and saw the freeze frame for the second Wonder Years video, a tear came to my eye and I very nearly sobbed. That's right, the freeze frame. There's no way in hell I could actually watch that video.
A Few Things
Ash DID get away with something: he was trying to make ice cream and ended up with custard. But the judges bought/loved it.
Was I the only one who came here thinking she was the lead singer of Rilo Kiley? Who is that again? And this person is an actress? I've never heard of her. Wait, wasn't the lead singer of Rilo Kiley an actress or something too?
6 episodes behind so I can't watch (or read) this yet, but yay Greek!
This is not a good book.
Has the author ever met real people before? I got up to where they were about to go to Fillory, and I'm done. I can't stand the unrealistic, unpleasant characters. I don't want to listen to the narrator whine about how he's so unhappy and always has been while everyone gets drunk for 5…
Naw, man, they said they're going to revise the other races racials upwards to what the Worgen and Goblins are at . . . oh god, get it off me! There's nerd everywhere!