
This is what happens to me with nearly every album that I end up liking that isn't pure pop (immediately accessible). The albums I love immediately are the exception, not the rule (My Aim Is True, Caring is Creepy).

I'm with you, Prune. I have little interest in Mr. Costello once he becomes essentially a crooner, but those first few albums are astonishing.

Good lord, you really thought they were denying it to you because they didn't think you'd get it? They don't own the rights to broadcast it outside the US.

I am really terrible at calendar math for exactly these reasons.

They're not trying to hide it, they're trying to fake-hide it hilariously. And when Ted's head and a lamp are providing the faux-cover, they are succeeding.

Enh. I think Mr. Laurie probably has built up enough of a reputation the two or three seasons of sub-par House (in which no one is pointing at him as the problem) would tarnish his legacy enough to NOT be worth the tens of millions of dollars he'd be making. Afterwards he'd still be a very respected actor, only now

Can I be the intern who transcribes them so that people who don't want to spend an hour listening to a podcast can consume this content?

Nope, I don't know anything about Chaucer. I just went to Wikipedia, like any good student of the internet. And Wikipedia said that the Canterbury Tales avoids couplets. It also said each line had 10 syllables. You don't have to be a genius to note that your composition had couplets and 9 syllables. Take any

I feel my joints grinding together and popping. I feel like I'm definitely getting close to, if not death, at least a metal hip. Or knee.

When I was little, I used to get nauseated every time I laid down to go to bed. So I used to mumble to myself "I'm ok, I'm ok, I'm ok." Eventually my dad pointed out that I never threw up, and that I was probably freaking myself out for no reason. And then a doctor told me I had acid reflux. So now, one day I'm

Man, I was so impressed with your little composition until I checked to see if it scans. Not only does it not (Canterbury Tales is decasylabic, according to Wikipedia), but Chaucer never stacked couplets like that. For shame.

They did it to make it smaller, and because anyone who wants to play games for a system that came out 10 years ago does not lack the means to do so.

The Buffy episode.

It was also, if I recall, kind of boring and not that good.

Also, it's kinda short
I think it clocks in at like 96 minutes, which is a very doable length for an action movie. The last fight scene looks like a slap-fight, though.

How can we best make the show profitable? Would it be for us to support those with Direct TV to watch it when it first airs, and provide them with recaps right then? Or should we push all our support to the "real" network, and hope that we're able to give them a bump in the ratings? I just don't know.

Holy shit, whooty, I think you've uncovered the last thing from the 90s to be nostalgic about: being afraid of the horror movie covers for the tapes at the grocery store.

Sigh, I thought I might have gotten in early enough that anyone would ever read this. Nope
I have a few, actually. Somehow, after seeing a certain movie when I was 5 that is not at all scary, I actually had a nightmare in which it WAS scary. It sounds stupid, but it makes sense that if you change out a not-scary

Good lord. Somebody get an IP address!