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The Jill Stein people think vaccines cause autism, and that autism is worse than a painful death for a child. It's Bernie and his devoted flock that did this.

I was more upset that 2/3 songs were Whitney songs. Either do all of them by one artists, or mix it up. It was just weird the way it was.

If Ru wanted to avoid crowning a black queen she would have awarded Trinity the win in the first lip sync, which would have made sense since everyone I've talked to IRL believes Trinity should have won it anyway. Stop it.

I agree with you about Trinity/Peppermint, and somewhat agree with you on Sasha. I found it irritating, but not insufferable.

If they're going to do something like this, having the final 3/4 perform at the finale, which I am not against in theory, they should host a talent show. Let the queens really show off why they should be the next Drag Superstar. I get that you perform through the show to get to the final, then you have to compete

My opinion is that Trinity did beat Peppermint. I think putting Peppermint and Sasha (who did easily won both her LSFYLs) was in response to everyone saying last season was dull because it was obvious Bob was going to win. I'm not upset by it or anything, but I really can't see how Pepper won that first lip sync

As far I as I remember, Jujube had been the only one to get to the final three without winning a challenge before this season.

People need to get over this. There are all kinds of women, and there are all kinds of drag. Grunge realness is just as legit as pageant realness or model realness. Stop trying to make drag one-dimensional.

Woman born into middle class works her way up, would have been the President Clinton in the 90s if the US had the progressive gender politics of other countries such as Pakistan and Indonesia, loses election despite being the most qualified candidate ever, is 'entitled'. Man born into wealth and yet keeps going

It also belies his arrogance in the belief that either you're a winner or a loser. Rich or Poor. No one said put a methead on the cabinet. But there's a whole middle class out there. Or even moderately rich people. You know, not billionaires. Obama didn't have only billionaires on his cabinet. Neither did Bush,

Oh shut up. Seriously. Shut up. You're worse than the Deplorables. You know what you did was wrong.

Well, the Holocaust led to the concept of Human Rights. I reminded my grandfather of that every time he woke up screaming from night terrors of the camps.

It's more like this: A goat lover in Wyoming has 2.1 the voting weight as a person who actually knows Clinton isn't running a child sex ring out of a pizza shop in San Francisco. As long as the US values the votes of people who have never actually met a black person, queer person, or a woman who owns more than two

He got rid of ISIS by being a bigger disaster to the US than they ever could be.

Exactly. That's why we keep hearing about all those insurance companies going bankrupt instead of posting billion dollar profits.

No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.

Six year old kids who were gunned down by a maniac before nap time is the "authority" in your world? Or is the the parents of said kids? I'm trying to figure out which innocent victim who had their whole lives destroyed and are still having it destroyed by nutjobs like you are the "authority" in your small, pathetic

So your answer to people you say believe everything they're told is to listen to some guy and believe everything he tells you?

I'll reply to you, Surreal, as well as Katie and etvixen above you. First, Iran already had a much deeper tradition of repression and control of women. I'm not saying the USA doesn't have misogyny, but culturally and religiously speaking it was much more ingrained and accepted in Iran by 1979. Furthermore, the only

Well, Nina Flowers won in S1 despite finishing 2nd. But that was a different time with a different format. Since then I don't believe they count top-3 (or 4 this year) in the tallies.