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Because by definition "Moderate" implies "Ready to compromise". You just explained that in your rant. And "radical" implies "unwilling to compromise". Again, you demonstrated this in your rant. These are literally giant parts of the definition of these words.

Yeah, if you read the sources I provided they basically said that none of the facts would convince Bernie supporters. And look what happened here….

Seriously? Read Zatara's rant just above yours and then tell me with confidence if he's a Bernie or Trump supporter. Or maybe he's both, like that makes any ideological sense. The only ideology these people have is "ME ME ME!" and "F**K CLINTON!" That is to say, none at all.

"Also, the DNC conspired to deny Sanders the nomination"
"3 million people voted illegally in California"

I did not say they're the same because of their dislike for Clinton, although I think that's pretty accurate, too. I said they're the same in their cult-like love of their dear leader, to the exclusion of reality and facts. Not all of course, but generally speaking. I'm basically saying I've seen the same lies,

So wait, we don't count super PACs that support Bernie because he has no control over them, but we count all of them that supported Hillary and use them of proof of her connections to Wall St? That seems fair. You might want to look up the Citizens United case, specifically who actually brought that suit to the

Pretty much. He is a terrible narcissist that has set the progressive agenda in the country back at least one generation.

@avclub-d7b683529752a4d24d84c4941861a363:disqus: Bravo! Summed it up very, very nicely. And now Bernie loyalists will chime in with, "This is why we never supported Hillary!" which, you will notice, is exactly what Trump supporters say. They're basically the same. They've built up a cult of personality around one

But the thing is, Bernie also took money, just indirectly. He took money from Clinton's fund raising for years. He took money from the NRA to get into Congress. Super PACs that supported him spent the most amount of money of any candidate - Dem or Repub - during the primaries (because the Coch Bros were trying to

Bernie would never have accepted the VP position. It's all about Bernie to Bernie, no room for anyone else (look up his treatment of progressives in Vermont who tried to build upon his work after he went national - he hated them and tried to destroy them even though they were working to enact what he was out there

What bothers me most is that Bernie is now held up as the standard bearer of progressivism in the US. But what has he really done for the movement besides spout slogans? He has sponsored one bill (to open a post office), only held one job (the one he has now) and has never really led any sort of movement. But he

I'm not trying to enact Goodwin's law here, but this is precisely what happened in 1920s/1930s Germany. The radical socialists refused to compromise with the moderate lefties and so the Nazis were able to seize power with about 40% of support. America is doomed if it refuses to learn from that.

I just love it when it's all about free speech, except the free speech of the employer. Like, the employer should be compelled to keep on paying a person to spout speech at their workplace that goes against company policy, and that's *not* anti-free speech or anything. Just like how all those Trump voters aren't

I was doing my work as a teacher's assistant for a 6th grade class at the time Savage Garden was big and there was this incredibly sweet girl who loved them and would go on about them to me. I didn't personally care for them one way or another, but whenever I hear that name I think about that girl and how sincerely

I work with kids. 10 years as an elementary teacher, now 2 as a high school teacher. I would never call kids monsters (I wouldn't call any person a dehumanizing name; I don't believe in 'evil') but I also wouldn't call them 'little adults'. Kids' brains aren't fully developed and they don't have the experience or

It's like those scams on the internet and the phone. When you or I hear them they sound ridiculous, so obviously fake. But still these scammers swindle thousands out of their life savings each year. Trump is a con man, and had the media pushing his snake oil for over a year. Unfortunately, many people would prefer

Let's just hope she doesn't turn into Kesha's Judas. The paparazzi would just dance on that monster development. Gaga has a million reasons to detail the perfect illusion to that love game. She knows Kesha was on the edge of glory before Dr Luke thought to himself, "Do what u want". Til it happens to you, his

Y'know, thanks McCain for doing the right thing. But a lot of this mess is partly his fault. He's the one who unleashed Sarah Palin on the country, the first vapid tea partier on a national scale. He helped legitimize the extreme end of the Repub party, the end that has nothing but hatred, ready to destroy and

"People who were actually college aged when Facebook came out, in other words."