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Agree. They're so insecure and petty, and isn't that the opposite of masculine? Like you, I'm not going for an MRA rant here, but masculinity can be a very positive force: to me it implies leadership, confidence and sacrifice. These men possess none of these traits. It's like saying a porn star is hyper-feminine.

And isn't funny how people with those views (the "don't tell me what to do! I'm my own person!" views) tend to devote themselves so thoroughly to other people? Most of the true progressives I know, the ones who supposedly believe the state will solve all their problems, actually understand no one politician will

The cult of personality and absolute mindless devotion to a single man really, really scared me for a few months. A so called feminist friend of mine, who claims to have been sexually assaulted in the past (I have doubts now due to the story I'm about to tell) posted a cartoon of Clinton being punched during the

I had the same reaction. It's his job to defend Cosby, I'm not sure what people expected him to say. Would we rather have a system where people accused of crimes don't get lawyers? Don't get to defend themselves? I actually had this conversation with someone recently who said that due to rape culture, anyone


I think being an incredibly adaptable pageant queen is unique enough for Trinity. I say this as someone with a huge bias against pageant queens and would normally be rooting for Nina, Sasha and Shea over Trinity. At this point it's between Shea and Trinity for me. I appreciate Sasha, but she's not as avant garde

I keep hearing about this odd-number curse, but is that really true? S5 is one of the show's strongest (imo, S4-6 were the heyday of the show). S3 was better than S2 for me. And no one will ever convince me that S1 wasn't amazing, vaseline lenses and all.

It's not her cup of soup.

I think you need to remember S4 in context. The show never had a queen like Sharon before, they always seemed to err on the side of polished, beauty queens. Phi Phi was more in the mold of what the show had rewarded in the previous seasons, so it wasn't out of the ordinary to see her succeed in S4 at the time of S4.

S2 was strange because at the time, imo, none of the top-3 were really worthy winners. They were all fierce in their own ways, but none of them embodied all the necessary qualities of a winner (unlike S1 before it, where both Bebe and Nina were exceptional). I think there's a lot of hindsight going on with S2, where

That was intentional, like her face was spray painted. It's an established look.
Her make up was the only thing I liked, tbh.

You are accurate, Beer Baron. I did a whole study on ISIS/IS/Daesh a year ago, shortly after the Paris attack. I read every issue of their propaganda magazine Dabiq. I seriously felt that I needed counselling afterwards, and required the emotional support and mental help of friends and colleagues to work through

Yes. Exactly. I went to university and worked in a factory during the summers. At that job there were a few guys who openly resented me, would shit talk schools and students and all that. Hey man, you think I have it easy? I worked like a dog in HS to get good enough marks to get a bit of a scholarship, while

What I find most funny about the right's uproar about trigger warnings is that the roles were completely reversed when I was younger. It was conservatives who got warning labels on our music albums and got the rating system on movies and TV. This while the 'amoral Hollywood elite' tried to corrupt the youth with

We send out zambonis to ice roads and beavers to knock down trees to keep Americans out. We started back when Justin Beiber first went south so he couldn't get back in.

Not to mention literally 50% of society is taken out of the equation on Gilean's part, along with gays, Catholics and other minorities. White straight males may make up the majority of military and government, but they aren't all of it. And then you're fighting against a side that hasn't sidelined all those groups.

As a fellow Canadian who just had a discussion with two open minded liberal Americans last night who could not wrap their heads around health care being a civil right, I can confirm that we see all of you as regressive. The last election basically confirmed it for us.

Yeah but…

Exactly. I was having this exact same conversation with a raging alt-right friend of a friend a couple of weeks ago (I tried not to engage, but he kept pestering me knowing I was a "libtard" or whatever, and after about 6 drinks I finally told him to please google a synonym for "snowflake" just to mix things up for a

Exactly. I'm also 37 and work with a recent grad (I'm not American, he is, and we work in Asia). I asked him what a "safe space" was and he told me, "Your professor might say that his classroom is a safe space. It means people can't use slurs or abusive language. It can also mean that we all have to agree not to