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The ultimate stunt queen? Willam won a challenge, threw up on the stage and then got disqualified. All in 10 minutes. She even found time to give us one of the most iconic lines of Untucked ever, "Your tone seems very pointed right now".

Me, in the tenth grade.

I didn't go to school for fucking math.

Yeah, but it isn't live. They could edit anything James does or says. Unless he wears an abortion as a headpiece or something, but I still trust the editors could work around that.

Her attempts to hide her mouth with her hands also brought even more attention to not knowing the words! Girl, just move those lips and do some twirls. Come back for the chorus. It almost felt staged.

That was excellent, but so was Alexis calmly taking her earbuds out of her ears and slinking towards the couch to listen better.

This has been going on since the new Untucked format. Remember Ginger? Sweetheart in the workroom, villain edit in Untucked. It's probably what cost her the crown.

Alyssa is best when she just goes with her flow. I don't know why, she doesn't know why, the world doesn't know why. But it works. I'm so happy that she came to AS2 just letting it happen instead of trying too hard. For her, the best advice really is, "Just talk. Just look in the mirror Just wear a dress made of

Don't forget Adore, who should have been on bottom the first two episodes.

I agree that you need to support good friends when they're experiencing mental health issues. But, as someone who has experienced it myself as well as had others in my life do the same, you also have to draw the line sometime. Being a good friend means acknowledging the problem, supporting your friend, guiding them

"Check your privilege"? Seriously? If the guy's being a douche then you excuse yourself and leave. The thing is, they were in a movie theater, so her texting would have been irritating to everyone around her. I went to see this same movie last weekend and someone in front of me was texting the whole way through

I haven't read the book and I know women aren't allowed to read in this world,, so obviously it's been addressed already. Is that the 'spoiler' that people are alluding to? There were pretty explicit hints like the one you brought up, and also the other handmaid in the grocery store swearing she hadn't read the

I haven't seen anyone mention it, but it's an interesting thought to have Children of Men take place in this same universe given the similar infertility epidemic. Other nations may be experiencing their own upheaval at this time, too. And given that the USA is the most religious Western country, it's not too far off

I think this is where I have the most trouble with believability. Judging by the timeline, it already feels like things happened a bit too quick. But the idea that only a certain Protestant sect would hold power and persecute the others across the country, and be successful, is a little too far for me. Most

Wait? I don't have a right to people's services? So if someone is stabbing me in front of a police officer, that officer has no obligation to help me?

Well, Aja did land in the bottom 2. So, objectively speaking she was one of the worst of the week. I know America is living in a fact-free time right now, but us internationals still believe in proof and evidence…

Absolutely agree with both of you. It really seemed that the show was dead set on getting rid of DeLa suddenly for some reason.

They said it about Aja last night. And they've only really commented on Nina's bad attitude once, because she only ever displayed it once (in the Kardashian episode). They've talked about her 'energy' before, and being too vulnerable for the show. Overall, Nina has performed better in the challenges this season if

I didn't really watch it much, but my sister did and would see it here and there. In the fifth grade some of us called each other by the character names for a while as a lark. I was Dylan. I'm more of a Degrassi person, myself (not just because I'm Canadian).

I disagree with both of you on the lip sync, which is fine. But I really don't think Sasha was anywhere near as bad as either Nina or Aja in the main challenge. I think if you believe Nina was terrible but Aja was fine you're probably looking at it through the lenses of Aja fandom than objectivity. They were