Here to Help

DeLa was screwed over.
The first however many episodes; "We love everything you're doing, keep it up!!!"
Suddenly: "We hate everything about what you're doing."

And Aja displayed a good attitude this episode? Before tonight when did Nina deserve to go home?

Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're saying, but when should have Nina gone home before tonight? She's only been in the bottom once on the Kardashian challenge and she actually wasn't that bad there (not nearly as bad as Farrah and Cynthia). Tonight probably could have gone either way, but Nina has outperformed

Actually, Jihnx has said she gave it to Roxxxy almost just as much, which was edited out. Similarly, just this week I watched clips with Bob and Robbie Turner saying that Derrick was bullied all S8, but they only showed his rebuttals which ended up making him look like the bully.

Aja's hissy fit at her role assignment likely played a part in the decision as well. I disagree with your assessment of Nina's look and her lip sync, but what counts is the fact that Ru and the producers (rightfully, in my mind) believe Nina makes for a more compelling character.

I do have to agree about Sharon. She did win the first challenge, and I believe the 3rd as well. But the show never had a queen like her previously (Nina Flowers being the closest, in that she was edgy. S2/3 really didn't have anyone close to edgy). This show has changed a lot, starting in S4, so it's easy to look

I actually think Sasha deserved to be in the bottom 3 (but definitely not bottom 2). She had a role she really could have gone overboard with, but was way too conservative. I don't think she was ever in danger of lip synching this week.

I just rewatched that rap challenge yesterday, and actually both Trina and Eve were totally into Milk's dance. One of them (I forget which right now) defended her on the panel and said she really bought into it. As for Nina, even Ru said she was probably out there keying their car. It reminded me of Ashaka in S1.

Weekend update seems to be the home of self-satisfied, yet not funny, people. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are the only ones I've ever liked there.

Out of everything you could have picked about Rosie, you picked the Chinese nonsense? That seriously wasn't racist. At worst it was culturally insensitive, but even that's an incredible stretch. I live in China, and not that that makes me an expert, but I often just say nonsense "Chinese" words when I'm confused to

I hate to assume here, and I'm not trying to start a fight, but a lot of this language sounds like the extremist Bernie online stuff. As in, if you don't 10000000% support Bernie and get a tattoo of his face on you then you're a corporate shill establishment sell out neoliberal phony. Leaving that whole argument

Agree! Also, Keith Olberman. Is that his name? The loud one, with the "worst person in the world" schtick. ugh.

Kevin, you didn't go nearly far enough with Bill Maher. I also somewhat enjoy his show every now and again because it's the only American TV show that actually has on various people with various agendas speaking seriously about their causes. But, Maher is the picture of what a slimy smarmy limousine liberal is. He

That line is rightly in the HOF for RPDR, but also her saying "excuse your mouth" shortly after this just throws Ru for a loop. Ru is trying to be so serious and have a Tyra moment, but Tammie is just throwing her curveballs.

But there are still challenges in the show where you have to lip sync, the big one being the ball performance with all the girls. Then there's usually something like Glamazonian Airlines or Bitch Perfect. Lip syncing ain't just for the bottom two on this show.

As someone who grew up right behind Fairmount (my daycare is next door) and woke up, and went to bed, to the sweet smell of bagels every day, I have to say I WILL FIGHT YOU JOSH! I WILL FIND YOU AND RIP UP YOUR BEDSHEETS BEFORE BURNING DOWN YOUR HOUSE!!!

"Policies" implies he had a plan for implementation. I think this is where the misunderstanding comes in. Many people who criticize Bernie actually agree with his slogans; it's his utter lack of knowledge of how to implement them that turns us off. Especially when he criticizes his opponent for being 'pragmatic'.

His wardrobe isn't the point. The point is his fake 'poor man' routine when in fact he's a millionaire. Of course it's hard to show documentation of that because for some reason he wouldn't release his tax returns.

I remember in 2008 when I was called a corporate whore for questioning that young saint Obama, who's now the devil compared to the saint Sanders. Can't wait to find out who the next saviour will be in 2020 (lord knows 90% ofthese so called gatekeepers of progressivism won't be politically active until then, just like

Sure he does. After all, Bernie has a time machine to know that this would happen months later (if at all). It's right there on the front page of Breitbart, the leading leftist online source.