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Right, but he's the one who ran to the Vatican to get a selfie with the Pope when he got wind Francis might had said something nice about him. As we all know, the Catholic Church is tooootally anti-Establishment….

Dems have lost those seats because their supporters don't show up in non-presidential elections. The fact is, Bernie lost because of the exact same reason. His ideas (which aren't really his ideas) may be part of the future of the Dem party, but he certainly isn't. His base is the same slackivist base that forgot

I think you're right, and Mexican-American represents the majority of Bernie supporters. That said, I think what was most shocking and infuriating to many level headed progressives (Bernie and Clinton supporters, and others) was the realization that there were so many ignorant, hateful people even on their 'side'. I

Your response was very measured and intelligent, so I humbly take back my snark. I'd like to say that I absolutely support many of Sanders' policies (I'm Canadian, and although that doesn't necessarily make me an expert on progressive policies, many of these are just 'normal' to me). However, his lack of ability to

But wasn't this a major attack on Clinton by Sanders and his followers during the primary? Wasn't the fact that she didn't support gay marriage brought up dozens of times? Wasn't Bernie's conveniently released just before the Southern primary picture at some sit in during the 60s used by Bernie supporters as

Sanders' focus on economic issues is commendable. His complete lack of understanding of economic issues, cloudy plans to address them and refusal to work with ideologically similar colleagues in an effort to hog all the attention…is not.

Yeah! Misogyny doesn't exist! I mean, I had no problem calling birthers racists, but will readily call Clinton shrill and cold because I don't understand what progressivism is, evidenced by my support of an NRA-backed career politician who attempted to dump toxic waste in a poor Latino neighbourhood through

Oh oh. You went after the fake progressive's fake god. Watch out for the death threats! (If 8 months of my facebook feed is any indication after I asked, "How will Bernie break up the banks?".

What's a Tony?
What's a deee-lo-rione?

Same. Nina is my favourite all time, but when I got my sister into the show a year ago she could only see her on AS1, and she really didn't get it. We're trying to find S1.

For all the queens who say 'ditzy' is part of their character, Joslyn was the only one who made it believable. Like, I'm sure not sure if Willam is a stuck up bitch or if it's an act, but I live either way. I'm not sure if Joslyn is a ditz or not, but either way she's amazing. Crazy like a fox, it's my cup of soup.

Ah, yes. Thank you. I wasn't sure. It sort of bothers me that they were all over Alaska's PeeWee for the children's show in S5, but then lived for Kennedy's Little Richard. I get changing criteria, but they should make it more explicit. Same how they once shit talked the breast place (Alissa, or however you spell

As much as I love The Comeback, I was expecting an acting challenge based on Friends. Like "Frenemies" or "Squirrelfriends" or something more/less clever.

Reminds me of Moby's useless cameo, but at least he stayed for a mini-challenge.

I don't know if this has been discussed, but correct me if I'm wrong: Love Shack was the first (primarily) male voiced lip syncs on this show. I've been hoping for this development, and have really been hoping for a Bowie song (or Prince, I'm okay either way). I mean, why not with how far this show has gone?

Thank you for the T. I wonder if announcing 13 queens originally with 12 regular episodes would have tipped off the Nancy Drews that there was one returning queen along with a non-elimination. But it's always interesting to know the inner workings of these things.

I agree that these team performances at the beginning of the season are always confusing, especially because we don't even know these queens yet. I feel like the other seasons parsed it out better because they usually gave a solo of sorts to each queen, and one team goes at a time. It was way too much tonight,

Let's not forget S4's WTF. Drag queens wrestling each other. What the medium of television was invented for. "She went for Sex and the City but gave us Sex in the alley" "Well, I won't turn that down either" "This is why I watch this show".

It's so true what they say, some people just have 'it'. Chi Chi from last season is a great example. I could never put my finger on it, but I always wanted more of her. Valentina is giving me the same vibe, but in a different way. Authenticity - can't fake that.

I am here for this. Thank you, librarian Thomas.