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Samantha Bee spent the majority of her show talking about the rise of the religious Right, anti-abortion laws and sexism than anything to do with Trump until the last couple of months of the election, when Trump was already a known quantity. She was obviously pro-Hillary and spent the majority of her time talking her

Finally got around to watching the episodes tonight. Because, really, who cares it's the same 'ol same 'ol.

Yes. Like you, I've said it before and will say it again: I went to a couple of drag bars in my city and was mildly entertained. When I heard of this show I thought fine, another reality show with pretty showgirls. Then I randomly saw Nina on a preview and knew I knew I needed to tune in. I appreciate Sharon, but

1) Raja is undeniably high fashion. But she was the first high fashion queen on the show, so maybe standards were lower? I am not arguing that she didn't show some of the best looks the show has seen, though.

Hahahahaha, I just did the same, and intended to come back and nonchalantly agree. Glad to see I'm not the only one.

Idk if this is a call out, but apparently there is a queen out there with a name similar. Something like Karen From Accounting. One of the queens called it the best drag name ever on Hey Qween.

In my humble opinion, Roxxxy didn't just have the best runway look of the night, she had one of the best runway looks EVER. And I'm not even into that sort of look (I prefer the edgier, weirder looks - See: Nina Flowers).

Yeah, but I doubt Ru doesn't know who the girls have chosen before they even walk back out there. Remember, they shoot them choosing the lipstick.

Sure, but Alaska must know by now that she's the front runner by far. She also must know that winning certainly isn't everything on this show. By playing favourites and/or getting rid of talent she comes off as petty. Whatever her motivations for her decision, she's risking a lot more than the crown by going that

I agree with your point about it not reflecting well on her. It's interesting that in an episode about showcasing their brand, Alaska damaged hers with her decision. I took her as someone who just appreciates drag and can be friends with anyone. This decision makes her look like just another mean girl from a

Me too. It was so fast I couldn't place her (her wig wasn't reaching out for a drink of water, so it was hard to tell). On re-watch and pause I'm pretty sure.

This is like 8th hand at this point, but there is word on the internets that at a viewing at some bar Roxxxy and Detox said this was the case. I can neither confirm or deny this to be true, but you're definitely not the only one who noticed.

1) Yes, that makes sense. But it only makes sense in the context of Alyssa. Sort of like a dress with giant flashing cameras haphazardly glued on. It just…makes sense.

No, I don't remember that. But I sip the T nonetheless.

BAM? Alexis, is that you?

It's interesting that you bring up Raven. I didn't like her behaviour on S2. But as I said above (below?), she is still compelling. Phix2 isn't as compelling besides her 365 days of drag and associated looks. Raja, on the other hand, may have come off as being Mean Girls in S3, but I always believed she was just

Well, let's not go too far. Phix2 is not a 'monster'. She's just a human with some issues that happened to be filmed.

I would say Tati is up there, too. She was totally out of left field, but has grown so much and is probably one of the most mature queens this show has ever had. Her reactions in the background while Phix2 and Alyssa were going at it were priceless.

I worked at Party City in high school, so I feel strangely connected to the whole ordeal. Frankly, I enjoyed my time there. They gave me a different costume to wear each week and even had a professional come it to do my Oct 31st make up, which I wore out to the bar later that night (we can legally drink while still

Agree. It only made sense with Oliver's description of it being the soul of Lil' Poundcake.