Here to Help

I feel like I mention that I'm a teacher at least once a week here. The point is, as a teacher I use this at least once a class now.
"Where's your homework?"
" I couldn't do it because…"

I never drank the Roxxxy haterade (even though I love ades!) but she has certainly played this season wisely. She's obviously aware she's probably not going to win, but knows just being cool is 'winning' for her. As far as we saw anyway, she didn't blame anyone for not choosing her and then tried her best anyway.

Absolutely. It's easy to say it was editing once, or that she's grown as a person. This just proves the worst of what people believed about her. There's always a risk coming back to do it all again (ask Pandorra, the universally loved camp queen who managed to destroy all her goodwill in one episode of AS1 (not

Eh, the producers waged war on Willam and he wrote a book, got a million view video on youtube and made a career out of it. Like Alyssa said, if you're going to play the game play it right.

Drag queens certainly don't have to be 'nice', but they have to be compelling. They're entertainers, and their characters are their entertainment. Bianca's a bitch, and it's the goal of every fan for her to be a bitch to them. Because it's entertaining, and beneath it all you know she hates because she loves.

YOU can even see this season places off your TUBE.

I don't like it when queens start sobbing or go over the top when they win. I think it's disrespectful to the loser. But her reaction was so sincere and understated that it instantly made her even more endearing (and I, too, was rooting for her tonight which is saying a lot when she's up against Alyssa. TBH, I was

And "Choices". I've added it to my lexicon, inflection and all.

And shockingly mature. She may be from an older season, but she's still pretty young, and she's showing a maturity other queens *cough cough PhiPhi cough* could really use.

It's irrelevant anyway because Chi Chi was the break out star that season, meaning she came out of nowhere to make a name for herself. Like many, I thought she was just cannon fodder at the start, but week after week I wanted to see more of her. She wasn't the 'best' but there was just something about her that I

Exactly. Smart queens know just making it on to the show is winning. Look at Alyssa, for example, She finished what, 5th or 6th? But she has become a drag legend.

I think Ru finally realized that the main draw to this show is the queens. She's letting them do their thing in this AS. It's basically a BOTS tour, letting the girls decide who moves on to the next city. Plus, with how popular this show has gotten, the queens really know now that it doesn't really matter in what

Exactly. The very idea that men dressing up as women is glossed over to concentrate on these white men wearing Asian clothing is ironic in itself.

Couldn't agree more. Should we start telling Chinese men in business suits that they're appropriating 'Western' culture. Sure there's history there, but clothes are clothes. Make up is make up. These things are man-made. It's different from skin colour (i.e. black face). Yeah, as someone who lives in Asia I

I hear you. Her performance in the main challenge deserved criticism. I just meant that her runway shouldn't be held to thee standards of others. Yes, PhiPhi, if you wore that you'd be grilled. But that's because you don't have the charisma to pull it off.

Awesome, now we're making fun of disabilities (perhaps dyslexia) along with child abuse!

Let's be honest, Alyssa not understanding the assignment always results in the best Alyssa. (Dance excepted).

The best part of the Face Crack of the Millennium (TM) was that we all knew it was coming. I was sitting here with a shit eating grin on my face, fingers touching in Mr. Burns style, waiting for the reveal like a god damn 5 year old on Christmas morning. And the two-way mirror? This show should have a dump truck

RPDR fans have always been very respectful and supportive. Even on reddit, where I tread lightly at times (to get the T on future seasons) is much more civil than the rumors suggest. It's the casual/newer fans that get a little crazy on twitter and facebook. At least that's my experience.

Those looks from the other girls when Alaska asks Roxxxy to borrow her dress for the lip sync after their one-on-one told a whole Lifetime original episode.