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Yeah, but after taxes it's like $3.78.

Agreed about Ru's hair.

4) I actually think it really is fair to judge different queens by different sets of standards, as long as it's consistent. I don't mean lower or higher standards, either. Drag can mean so many different things these days, it's impossible to use the same scorecard for every girl on that runway. It's sort of ironic

I am angry. I'm not American, but I am a teacher and since Sandy Hook I've been especially sensitive to guns in the USA. And that makes me very upset that such larges swaths of the supposed Left in your country are so willing to wave away this issue just because a bird lands on some old man's podium. Tells us all

Not really. I don't like when a quack in bed with one of the largest terrorist organizations in the country corrupts the Left. Then again, if you're apologizing for his defence of the NRA, I'm not sure you were ever a progressive to begin with.

At least that couple who tried to hold the gun/bullet sellers accountable are still on the hook for the legal fees since guns is the only industry in America immune from any accountability. All brought to you by fake-Progressive Bernie Sanders. But don't forget, he's the messiah the Left has been waiting for (so

I agree about Alaska. I'd say something similar about Adore. She apparently is worth at least a million at this point and has a huge audience. There was no reason for her to come back on the show. She has taken drag to a new place, outside the scope of RPDR. But like I said, I'd agree about Alaska, more than

Sharon has stated that one of her influences is Marilyn Manson, and people got their panties in a twist over the same nonsense. This sort of thing is so easy to mock, and for the same reason it's so easy for people to get offended by.


Ha! I immediately thought Mechanical Animals (and frankly, I've been waiting for a queen to pull it off).

Actually, Roxxxy is very talented. I'm not saying she's a winner, or even well-rounded. But she has definitely earned her place here.

I feel like I need to defend Ginger. I actually think she's really talented. She probably deserved to go home though.

Sort of like Chad in AS1. But Alaska doesn't have a, let's say, Gia Gunn, anchored to her foot.

I feel like everyone's forgotten that this was the first time they did a bottom 2 instead of a bottom 3. I don't know what that means, but I'm sure it was done purposefully.

I believe they call that "The Roxxxy Andrews".

Your tone seems very pointed right now.

But they couldn't. Dan Savage had a column about this a few years ago. To summarize: Tops and bottoms.

Well, Katya and I are basically the same. Russophiles, over thinking things, beautiful…

Well, I want to set aside a week for "religion/mythology" in ancient civilizations order to highlight creative outlets of the aspirations/fears of those cultures. Since women and gender in general freaked out men they were often the objects of religions/mythologies. With Mesopotamia we talked about how the creation

I actually really liked last week's and this week's looks. I'll forgive botched execution given the time they have to prepare, the lights, the cameras and the sheer amount of time they have to stand there with all that going on. I'll always prefer ambition over execution.