Here to Help

I think it's because she still doesn't 'get' it. I don't mean that in a derogatory way, since I certainly still don't 'get' it. She just knows being herself makes people love her, so she keeps on being herself, sometimes up to 11. But you're right, she could have tried to bottle her catch phrases and tongue pops,

Oh god, no. They obviously had no idea what it would become (no one did, not even us early fans). That first season was shot on a $10 budget in Ru's garage. It really was S4 when the show really started to go mainstream.

Yeah, I rewatched it on youtube about a year ago, but it's gone now. My friend tried to find it legitimately but had no luck. But then another friend said it was on itunes in the US? I don't know, it wasn't on Canada's version this summer.

Agree. I feel like Nina just really loves drag and only got involved in this show to showcase it. I don't know if she ever realized that it was a competition. The fact that all the competitors on AS1 had such respect and reverence for her is very telling.

Agree about Alaska. Even her speech before the elimination was too…on the nose. To me, she's coming off as pretty disingenuous and scripted. Which is unfortunate for any drag queen, but especially one so edgy as Alaska.

Why not? There's been two that haven't had Willam.

The thing is, Bjork is a living person. If you've seen interviews with her in the last 5-8 years, she isn't that giggling pixie as much anymore. Not to say she's serious or any less strange. Just a bit less manic. Having said that, if Katya was going to go for a more mature Bjork I would have loved to see her look

Ha, I mentioned Alexis' Alicia Keys just above in reference to Alyssa's performance tonight. The point is to make Ru laugh, not be as accurate as possible.

Alyssa's Joan Crawford reminded me of Alexis' Alicia Keys in that it was so random and not actually the character, but yet hilarious and off the wall. The point of Snatch Game is to make Ru laugh, not do a perfect impersonation. That's what a lot of queens (still) don't get.

Showing my friend (mentioned above) Jinkx's Liza single-handedly got her interested in the show (along with Sharon's Catlyn Jenner).

Also, Nina Flowers did not represent herself to her level. Which is really unfortunate, because she's my favourite queen ever (she was doing edgy before RPDR was doing edgy) and my friend whom I finally got into the show this past summer only got to see her on AS1 because S1 is apparently erased from history. Maybe

I feel like Adore leaving was the wrong decision for me as a viewer, but it may have been the right decision for her as a person. I've been in situations where I've left things that could have been beneficial for me in the long run, but detrimental to me in the short run (mental health-wise), so I'm not going to

My mind went from, "Oh, here's a famous standard quote" to "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?" so fast I don't think I laughed as much as had a seizure.

I feel like Alyssa is confident/oblivious enough to ignore such comments, while Roxxxy is still not confident enough and concerned about what others think enough to listen.

I don't remember what you said or when you said it, but I felt like you were coming for me. LET ME HAVE MY MOMENT!

Honestly, the best part about that runway was Raja's slow descent into madness on Fashion Photo Ruview.

When I read the line about Kennedy I immediately said aloud, in her voice, "What had happened was…" and then cackled madly in a Katya-esque way.

Someone needed to tell the Bernie campaign that about a month or two ago.

Or it was to show him as a weak-willed fuck up who skated by on his inherent white privilege, ultimately being a mindless drone in a racist system he never critically thought about and thus, accidentally or not, took part in. I think by being slightly ambiguous, it prevents the audience from looking at it as a single

I also feel like it's not bad to humanize Bailey. I thought their intention might have been to show that it doesn't take an evil person to do evil things for evil to happen, because the whole system is evil. I thought the point was to show that it's an institutional problem, not just a problem of racist individuals.