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Not only shrug off losing his job, but face no consequences for stealing from it. Yeah, I thought that was a big part of the point of his flashback; how he had so much privilege that he didn't even realize he had.

I actually think they went a bit too far with the evil cartoon character with the bigger guard who was driving Bailey home after the murder. He was talking about how him and his buddies would torture locals in Iraq/Afghanistan, rape women and then kill them, murder children, all matter of factly. I totally get that

You attempted to 'teach' me civics. I responded that I don't need your help. So please stop pretending that I brought up my degree out of no where or to prove another point. You realized that you couldn't talk down to someone who didn't agree with you on the internet and got caught for once. Don't pretend that

The idea that any one candidate will ever represent all of your interests exactly is naive enough. But believing that this candidate exists and enough American share those exact interests to get them elected is just ignorant. This is the real world. Sometimes you have to make compromises. Often, getting half of

Sorry to steer this back to Bernie again, but for the last 6 months every time a facebook friend would post one of those "20,000 people just showed up to a Bernie rally and the media is silent!" memes, I would immediately google it and post the 100s of results I got to their page. Not once did any of them acknowledge

You're exactly right for once! And once the FEC finally complete their investigation into Bernie's campaign finance fraud, America will understand what a bullet it dodged in not electing such an unethical crook. Good call, man.

Oh lord, Bernie is not the god you think he is. He has a history of being uncooperative, even with fellow progressives. In fact, back in Vermont, there's a long history of him being quite mean to younger progressives in politics because they 'steal his thunder'. You want to talk about private jets? He got a

First of all, I have an advanced degree in Political Science, but thanks for the civics lesson random person on the internet! (I just love how Bernie followers have suddenly become experts on everything political! Like how they think a president can just wave his hand and give them free health care and education).

This comment basically sums up the petulance of Bernie supporters.

And Bernie is a pompous egotistical fake who likes to take credit for the work of others while demonizing them for getting their hands dirty to get it done.

If you're concerned about dumping toxic waste you should talk to the poor Hispanics in Texas where Bernie voted to dump some, and then told to get lost.

So people should make jokes because idiots might take them seriously?

It's also important to note that the 2008 race was incredibly close. In some estimations, Clinton actually won the popular vote, and she was winning all the late primaries. This primary has been essentially over since March 15th, yet Bernie and his followers refuse to admit defeat. That's another thing, maybe the

Republicans wouldn't be a rubber stamp for Trump? What?! They've totally fallen in line behind him as he continues to make racist and bigoted comments.

You realize that Hillary's proposed policies are to the left of Bill's, right? You realize she's about 7% off of Bernie's? One common thread with Nixon doesn't make her the same. Besides, Nixon started the EPA and opened relations with China. So is everyone who believes in environmental protection or talking with

I'm not saying people who are not voting for Clinton are misogynists at all. However, saying you'd vote for Stein or Warren doesn't mean you're not a misogynist, for the exact reason you stated. Being misogynist doesn't mean you wouldn't vote for a woman, it means you wouldn't elect a woman to be president. Giving

The NRA is a terrorist organization. Anything less than a violent F rating is shameful. I don't want to get into it, but Bernie wouldn't even have a political career without the help of the NRA. Like I said, it doesn't mean he's a horrible person or disqualified from any support now. The point is how easily so

I worked with young children at the time of Sandy Hook. Obviously you didn't need to be in that field to have an intensely emotional reaction to that event, but it absolutely destroyed me for a few months. Part of me wanted to be around my students even more, but another part of me couldn't stand to look them in the

It's not just the right wing either. If anything, the Sanders campaign showed how many lefty 'progressives' are willing to accept an NRA friendly candidate as long as he gives lip service to income inequality. Of course it's amazing how many so-called progressives seemed to be fine with misogyny and racism in the

Didn't she say last night that her real last name is Davenport? As in……..Kennedy? Whose real last name is not, in fact, Davenport.