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I know Michelle cares, and she has to act as the 'evil' mouth for Ru who has a brand to perpetuate. But you have to admit, she gives some confusing and contradictory advice. Exhibit A to Betty earlier this season: "I've loved your drag so much so far! And that's why I don't think you'll ever top it, and thus I

*cough cough* Rosario Dawson *cough cough*

Just watched Untucked, and I love that they mentioned that Payless has up to size 13. Quick story: When I was visiting my folks in their small whitebread town last summer I went to Payless and this one puts all their 'large size' shoes in one aisle, men's and women's. There was this transgender woman looking for

I'm still waiting for my Chi Chi at a New England B&B mini-series to come on the air.

There was a review of the first episode on here. Or at least a general overview of the show in general.

Actually, my prediction is Bob, Thorgy and Chi Chi for top-3, with Thorgy finally winning over Bob. Two main reasons: First, they're really setting up this 'rivalry' between them, with Thorgy always the bridesmaid. Second, Bob is very similar to Bianca as a comedy queen. I think Thorgy represents campy queens, who

I love Joslyn, too. She also reminds me of Chi Chi in that I didn't expect much from her, but she blew me away the more I got to know her. She's definitely my cup of soup.

No, you're not the only one. Her Snatch Game performance was terrible, but she was in the top all along before that. Too bad the 'save' was wasted already.

It's not like queens with oodles of personality but a deficit of fashion know-how haven't been successful on the show before. Adore is the most obvious example, with Joslyn and even Shangela 2.0 being other good examples. Drag Race isn't all about the fashion, and there's definitely room for a queen that needs some

Agree about Chi Chi. Reminds me of Pearl's Big Ang from last season. I have no idea who Big Ang is, but that shit was hilarious. "I had a rough childhood, I wasn't watching fucking Batman and Robin!"

My reference to a 22 (?) year old doing the character for the first time was about Tati doing Brittany in S2. I get that Derrick has a career to think about, and in Untucked the other girls explain that she was super funny in clips we didn't get to see anyway.

However, there was a Bjork connection this episode. You see, Bjork wrote Bedtime Story for Madonna, and Acid Betty wore a look from that video. Hey, I'll take what I can get!

I essentially agree with your assessment. I think they're setting up a Thorgy always a bridesmaid to Bob storyline, until the final where she finally takes it from her. I think Bob is too similar in character to Bianca, Thorgy represents a more polished camp queen which is a genre that hasn't taken the title yet.

It's amazing that a 22 (?) year old doing Brittany the first time outdid a seasoned pro. Word is that Derrick didn't want to offend Spears, so took the 'classy' route. Bitch, ain't nothing classy about snatch game!

I was having a chat with my friend and I asked him, despite all the gains over the years by LGBTQ, what is the biggest outrage our community still faces?

Yeah, I thought she was just crazy and a bit of a clueless mooch until this episode (I watched the first four a few weeks ago and just caught up now). I raised an eyebrow with the whole "Oh, no, no, no. We totally have groceries to eat, but if you really want us to go out to a restaurant, who am I to argue?" stuff.

Not only that, but he's stringing Kim along professionally for his own whims instead of looking out for her best interest. I don't like watching that destructive relationship, and Kim can do so much better.

I have to say, I'm not angry or upset or outraged like many of the posters here. I'm just really bored. I don't really feel anything about the episode, I just wanted to come here to check that I was not crazy for thinking it was a waste of time (was checking facebook and replying to emails by the 20 minute mark).

So, like, the actor is just going to show up to work at the end of the summer and the producers are going to be all like, "Everyone who is still a member of this cast please step forward. Not so fast, you!"

Yeah, they just advertise as the show that will show the collapse of society, and then do a time jump right over that collapse and thusly only show idiots arguing inside a protected gated community, completely removed from what little action is still taking place.