Here to Help

oh my GOD that last scene was so boring. I didn't think it was tense at all, but mostly because I was still so bored from the whole episode in general and just wanted it to end. I was also still confused by how this whole thing happened in the first place. By the 43rd minute of Negan's speech I decided to have a

I couldn't even get over the fact that they were risking their whole settlement and the lives of everyone, both in the RV and back in Alexandria, to perhaps help this one person, maybe. Then, when they're confronted by an obviously large and organized group that is blocking them at every turn they decide to keep

Seriously, I like Kim Chi and the rest of her group, but I thought that idea was dead in the water. I don't hold it against Derrick, who knew they'd turn it out like that?

I'm also not a huge Derrick fan, but her defence of Trixie last Untucked and then wearing her t-shirt this week won me over. I get a real insecure vibe from her, probably from not being around many other queens before. Sort of what Willam was going for in S4, but actually true in Derrick's case (god I love Willam's

So we have to wait till Trump wins in November for all the reasonable Americans to live in Canada?

If anything, production protected Adore those first two episodes. I'm glad they did, but there's no way she shouldn't have been in the bottom in that first episode.

I feel like we're at a sweet spot now where the queens know how they conduct themselves on the show relates to their post-RPDR careers, but they're also able to still be themselves on some level. So instead of bullying, we get shade. Instead of fake platitudes we get playful jokes. I really like this cast this

I like Naomi, but I feel like her fall will come quickly. I don't mean 'soon', I just mean she's done well enough so far and may continue to do so. But in a room with such talented and fashionable queens she'll suddenly be on the bottom and go home unless she pulls out a Dida Ritz and slays a lip sync, which is

Plus Oliver missed the part where she talks about the 'sisterhood' and asking for help. A major character point for Bianca was giving Adore a girdle for her hog body (just kidding, girl). You think the other girls didn't pick up on that? Just ask. Loved that Naysha left Chi Chi a bathing suit (after she was torn

At one point Miles was playing the keyboard with his bulge. I'm only pointing this out because I appreciate his art.

As someone who has loved every one of Betty's looks so far, I actually agree. I feel like I've seen them all before, in some way (probably in Party Monster). She does the looks incredibly well, and I'm not saying she's copying anyone. But it's sort of like Marilyn Manson. Even shock becomes predictable. The shock

I've been so busy the last few weeks and a little depressed, and I just want to say that it is so wonderful to escape into this void of ridiculousness for an hour. I can't, no, WON'T, imagine a world without RuPaul's Drag Race.

Nah, I don't think things are so up in the air like that. I think they expected Naysha to dispose of Leila (who shouldn't even have been in the bottom 2 to begin with) in the first episode, but the former's lip sync was so abysmal Ru had no choice. Then they corrected that 'mistake' in the second episode. I doubt

Agreed, but it was because the first 2 were 90 minutes, and this was 60.

I think you can also buy it on Amazon. In completely unrelated news, I've read that pirate costumes are the most popular. Lots are available. You can probably find a supplier on google.

Oliver, you're great and all. But if you're getting offended by drag performers I think you're missing the point. And unless you're on tumblr, let's retire the word "problematic". C+? Please. This episode was more entertaining than anything S7 had to offer. I realize that's not a high bar to clear, but still.

I think everyone's making good points, but I think I'll stick to a sports fan from Philadelphia for professional assessment of sociopathy.

Listen, ever since Lori died everyone else has had to pick up the slack. It's quite a large load. Not everyone can send their husband out to look for another guy, then leave an hour later to go get her husband back while abandoning her child to strangers and then flip a car on an empty road and get trapped while

I've now lived in two East Asian countries since this has been on the air and in both I'd say a smaller percentage of locals watch it compared to back home, but many still do. And for those who don't, I'd say again a small fraction fewer know about it here than in my circle back home. Meaning, younger people seem to

This IS character development. For Carol to completely transform into an emotionless murder machine would have been the easy (and boring) way out. Showing how conflicted she is, how her views and understanding can change given major new events, is refreshing and needed. Sure, being whiny gets old. But being a