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So apparently comic book spoilers aren't a thing any more? (I'm not talking about that one thing. The other thing).

Agree. Given, it didn't have an aging man doing quasi-martial arts for an hour in an impossibly isolated cabin in the middle of the woods infested with walkers and violent survivors that ended with the obvious, "the cage was never locked" metaphor. But it did have, you know, action, intrigue and realistic

Actually, I see it as the opposite. Hey, libertarians and anarchists! You want 'freedom', here's your freedom right here. Constant danger, destruction and death.

I've been saying this for the past couple of seasons, too. Rick's group (and Rick in particular) has always been the villains. They cause the problems, they destroy communities and they lead to death. This latest turn into mindless violence is just the logical progression.

Is there an eclipse today, because the shade is global.

No, I'm pretty sure it's 100 different queens. At first I thought there was no way, then I did the math. 100/8= 12.5. So sure, it works out enough.

I just mean that the show has chosen to include AS, probably to make sure the 100 eps and 100 queens sync up. Hence them including Chad in the photo shoot. PR AS has different judges and mentors, so it feels like a completely different show. I believe the Amazing Race counts AS seasons in its official list. I'm

I don't need Derrick to be hung.

Praise Baby drag Jesus, Untucked is finally up on youtube.

And her jet set look? Anyway, I don't think she's anywhere in the same area code as Jinkx. Way more fashion forward and put together, but also not nearly as funny. Both theatrical, but in different ways.

Depends. Are we talking movie or book?

There's more diversity in the three NY queens this year than there was over all queens last year.

Quality over Quantity!

Nah, they even had Chad Michaels there as a past winner. Which is nice, since she about to die.

I had doubts about Kim Chi, thinking she might just be another instagram queen like so many from S7. But she has definitely won me over now. I like a smart queen, but I love a terrible corny humor one even more. As a former resident of Korea, I've never been so excited about rotten cabbage before!

I'm getting serious Bianca vibes from Bob, in that she seems like she's going to be really good at everything, or at least have the confidence and personality to get through what's she's not skilled at. I'm not saying she reminds me of her because she's a comedy queen or from NY, although those two things probably

I love that Dax! came in as Storm tonight, and at the Premiere she was dressed in a Starfleet (OS) uniform. Two franchises (and two characters) who were incredibly influential in bringing people of colour (esp. women of colour) to the forefront of pop culture. She comes off as super cool and I would love to hangout

Upvoted for that last line.


I will always remember Jiggly giving baked potato realness, twirling around a severed leg and having pieces of her costume fly off. I believe there was also a splits involved. Don't remember the song, though. Who cares about the song?