Here to Help

I don't totally agree with the Jack and Kelly Osbourne line, but I'll be damned if I didn't laugh out loud to it. Kudos.

I know nothing about sewing, besides a button in a pinch. But I'm always amazed at the specialities on display in the comments of RPDR episodes. Teach the children!

Yes, that's it!

She reminds me a bit of Phoenix out of drag. Just the same face shape and a little bit how he speaks. This is a positive comparison, btw.

I'm clocking Bob for top 3, so I don't think she'll be in the running for MsC. I see Cynthia as a potential, but she may end up like Joslyn. Being passed up for a bigger name who got (unfairly!) eliminated before the top. Like KimChi or Throgy. But they all seem like potential MsC's right now (besides perhaps

I thought Laila did well with the song. It's sort of a weird high energy sounding, low energy song. In any event, no way Laila should have been botton 2 (or even 3, imo). Robbie totally got a pass, and I assume Derrick's photo saved her (though her outfit didn't get enough criticism).

I just wrote "Streets ahead" right above you before seeing this post. GO HUMAN BEINGS!

Yep. Streets ahead of S7 premiere, or really any episode to be honest.

When I saw that I defintely popped my hand fan and commented on the Shade. The Shade of it all!

This is perhaps the best explanation of the season I've read so far, especially for the UFO (as the rise of the religious right in America). Made me think it was also a critique of how revolutionary movements like 2nd wave Feminism and the Civil Rights movement were quelled by their co-otption into the mainstream.

Yes, yes, a thousands times yes. I didn't really like S1 because the tone seemed to jump all over the place (i.e. normal show, oh it's raining fish, now there's a mysterious briefcase of money buried in the snow, now Billy Bob is indestructible, now we have a popular comedy duo in stunt casting, now we have a rom

I can't really speak for the other docs, but in the case of Making a Murderer it was incredibly unique in that Steve Avery had already served 18 years for a crime he didn't commit and then was, perhaps because of that first conviction in some ways, retried for another crime he very likely didn't commit. It's

Just watching this now, and I don't care who hears me. I don't understand how anyone can think this is a good show, let alone a great one. It simply boggles my mind. I'm all for differences of opinions, so fine I get how people can enjoy it. But to think it's some sort of masterpiece or is brilliant. Fucking fish

I've only ever seen like 10 minutes of the show, but I was pretty certain for some reason that Kevin James was a mail man. I'm not being nit picky, this is a question. Because for some reason I find it important (I feel like I'm at quiz night and I'm arguing this, even though I have no actual real basis for my

I had seen episodes here and there because I was alive in the real world in the 90s. But about a year ago I watched it all from start to finish over a trip, which is to say mostly on a small device while either running for buses or falling asleep on airplanes. It was great for that. You didn't really have to pay

Except it wasn't the same tone as in the book. In the book the Japanese couple seem to be genuine while Childan is over-eager. I got the impression from the book that the Japanese couple was progressive while Childan leaned towards Nazi ideas, which created the awkwardness at dinner. I liked that because it played

I am clearly late. But it's not like the show is nice to Americans in general, either. Many joined the Nazi or Empire's ranks very easily and most others just submitted without much of a fight. I think the whole Emperor thing is more about character development than anything else.

Obviously I'm a bit late, but the in the novel (no spoilers, this point is made pretty early in the book and it doesn't necessarily affect any major developments, just the tone) the Japanese don't follow the Nazi racial laws. That's sort of a big point, how the Japanese Empire is very different from that of the

Or, like, something really mundane. Sort of like this Onion article: