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I also have a crush on Claire Danes, but the My So Called Life Claire Danes. Don't worry, I imagine myself as a 15 year old, too, as I was when that show was on. I just want us to be together in high school and perhaps I can beat up Jared Leto here and there, too.

I think I'd put Bjork in that category, too, though perhaps more arty than mainstream. I always sort of had this fantasy of Bowie, Bjork, Beck and Prince performing together.

I don't know who that guy is, but that is an exceptionally beautiful quote, about an exceptionally beautiful creature. Right on the mark of why he had such an impact on so many people.

I have never cried for a celebrity before, not even Michael Jackson who's music had such an impact on my family growing up. But this man literally changed my life when I found his album as a kid in the early 90s. I had heard Let's Dance and China Girl of course, as I was conscious during the 80s. But Ziggy

Holy crap guys, if this dude wasn't on some little cult TV show you loved you'd be fuming and calling for his head. Stop trying to defend him and realize how destructive his politics are, and how he uses the fame you've given him to advance those vile politics.

I really don't like comments like this, those that imply people are being petty for caring about personal politics. Well, sorry, personal politics are a big part of who a person is.

All they need to do is get out of Alexandria on the other side of the walkers and cause a disturbance that will drive them away. If only there was an underground sewage system that could provide that escape…huh, oh well. Better dangerously zip line just over the heads with no planning at all.

I could feel the tension in the interview for sure. Like when your friend starts bashing a band you like and you're all, "Yeah, I guess. But they have some good songs, too." And your friend realizes that you like the band so they're like, "Oh, yeah…sure. But I just mean that their most popular song is a bit dumb."

So he was juuuuust getting to the front of the hoard when he arrived at the gate? And he managed to avoid attacks from the thousands of zombies to get there? Wow. Rick really is a superhero. (This isn't against you, just the show).

So, seeing the jar of baby food Rick surmizes that this group has already pillaged Alexandria, but left enough survivors to defend the town. Also, there are more "wolves" and they are still a threat. And on top of that, he knows that although the town was attacked, the wall will still be standing and solid enough to


Ok, let's accept that (though it's hard to say what would have happened if Rick's group never got there). What about Herschel's family on the farm? The prisoners hiding in the prison? Woodsbury? That young couple that was locked inside the bathroom found by Rick and Carol right after Carol burned those other

Right. But he's also a "main" Alexandrian. I just meant people in the background.

Obviously it's his opinion. I was just being more direct. The reason for this is that across the internet there seems to be this smug conclusion that last week's episode was objectively the best ever and anyone who disagrees with that is watching this show (and TV in general) for the wrong reasons. I don't know if

Well, I think when things like that happen that are so outside probability, real life and logic you have to define it as either a mystery in that story or as lazy story telling. I'm not saying it's hatch level mystery, but that was my point. You can't just have unexplained happenings every week that suggest

Leading a hoard of zombies to the front gate of your safe zone is competence?

I said this above, but Rick led the hoard right to the front gate. If they were really on his heels why couldn't he run another direction and lead them away from the town? That probably would have meant sacrificing himself, but we're supposed to think he's a hero for bringing them right to Alexandria instead? If

Holy crap, that's all I was thinking that entire time. Also, the fact that they completely glossed over the fact that it was Rick that led the hoard to Alexandria in the first place. If they were chasing him, he could have detoured somewhere else to lead them off course. If it was any other character, especially an

But isn't that the theme of this entire series: The Group meets up with seeming idiots that no one knows how they survived this long, but they have happily until 5 minutes later when they die because of the Group, which then blames them for not being strong enough to live in this world.
Alexandria was doing fine

And then send someone out to risk their life to get the pills, only to immediately spit it out!