Here to Help

What I find funny is that they seem to have intentionally cast very, shall we say, "average" people for the red shirts. Middle-aged, balding (men) and overweight. Only the cool ones look anywhere near like Rick's group. There's obviously very few kids, but there are also no young adults (18-30) outside maybe one or

I feel as though you and Zack need to be more explicit that you are stating an opinion when you say last week's episode was the best one ever. Because many other people really don't feel the same way. Many other people feel very differently, indeed. And many other people roll their eyes when they're told it's just

I'm surprised to hear this. I watched the first few episodes of the series and found it to be more Lost-style directionless melodrama (though I do occasionally check in to see if Justin Theroux is jogging in sweatpants again). I'm fine with open ended mystery, but I don't appreciate mystery replacing story telling.

Didn't Nurse Mom tell the Penny Guy (at gun point) that she had fled 'them' and didn't want their help just before the car crash? It's possible, somehow, Nurse Mom took off with Tommy/Nathan when he was a kid and was hiding from "them" just as much as from the authorities all those years. For some reason that may be

Maybe because if Claire had survived Erica, who was intently looking for her, would have harnessed her powers for even more evil? Thus, in Hiro's judgement, the less evil was to let one girl die than let her powers cause even more suffering?

Exactly! I knew this hipster punk guy back in the day who would go out and beg for money on the street. He'd also totally use people and also steal. He took great pride in 'living off the grid' and 'rejecting society'. But, like, you're depending on that exact society to provide you with what you need and want.

No, there are tons of people that were and are on this show who aren't battle hardened that I like well enough. What I can't stand is the battled hardened that have decided not to do what they need to do because they read a book on Buddhism from the burned down library. As I said last week, it was completely

Well, there was that feed store with all that fertilizer (which, yes, ended up not being there anymore later on). I'm no scientologist, but I think you can make pretty good explosives with that sort of thing. But it would probably take someone with advanced understanding to prepare it, which I'm not sure they have.

Sort of like Tasha Yar in ST:TNG. Maybe there will be a temporal rift that will change the present, resulting in Glenn being alive again in this timeline but then Michone will tell him he's supposed to be dead, so he'll go back in time to correct history in order to give his death purpose except he doesn't die and is

The thing is, almost every group seems to be doing just fine before Rick's group shows up. So, really, who's putting who in danger?

I remember watching that video when it came out and, putting aside how beautiful it (and the song) were, getting annoyed at the nostalgia. It just seemed like there were so many Boomer nostalgia movies and songs and whatnot already out, I was annoyed that Gen X had started creating their own. Now when I watch the

Thank you! AntiChrist Superstar gets no respect. Just because MM has become a walking parody of himself doesn't mean he didn't create a great album. Unfortunately it's fashionable to hate on him now, but it was also fashionable to hate on metal up until a few years ago. And look at it now.

Sounds like I should have been friends with you guys in High School.

Exactly. I don't like violence in real life, I'm against the death penalty and protest torture. But if some maniacs busted into my home and started hacking at my family with machetes I'd do everything in my power to stop them, including killing them. In fact, if given the opportunity I probably wouldn't stop until

Michone talks about refugee camps in TWD.

I don't know if you're doing it intentionally because it's so spot on, but World War Z deals with all those things, including the ISS, directly. It's such a great read. It's international in scope and looks at the politics, international relations, economics, sociology, psychology, zoology, biology, military,

Sometimes I hate pointing out inconsistent details because sometimes those are necessary to tell a concise story on TV. But the idea that the whole family ran into that backyard without ever seeing or hearing the army approaching is absurd. Also, the idea that the army would immediately run into a random backyard

It's not just Hollywood. My parents hate each other, and the house growing up was such a hostile tension-filled horror show that my siblings and I developed some terrible coping mechanisms. Yet whenever we would tell counselors, etc., that we wanted our parents to divorce we were painted as selfish stupid children


And Stand By Me, Misery, The Princess Bride and When Harry Met Sally. He's easily one of my favourite directors, that's why it was such a profound discovery for me. Speaking of The Princess Bride, I know a lot of people had an "AHA!" moment when they realized that Inigo Montoya is the same dude from Homeland.