Here to Help

Mine was the realization just about a year ago (I'm in my mid-30s) that Meathead from All in the Family is director Rob Reiner. My mother used to watch AitF every night on repeats when I was growing up so I was really familiar with the show. And I can't hide behind the fact that Reiner worked behind the camera

I saw it with my older sisters on opening night when I was 16. I hadn't even heard of it and we weren't planning on going to see a movie. After dinner we were walking by the theater and one of my sisters suggested we see it. I guessed it was a horror movie from the poster in the lobby, but I didn't even recognize

When Alicia refused to leave her boyfriend I was thinking the same thing. Grab the bitch by the hair and drag her out. In that specific case I understand the parents not telling her what's going on, since the bf is right there dying. How much more information do you need than, "There's a bug going around and it's

That's actually a really good reference. Scream was so successful because they actually spent time creating likable characters instead of pawns for the plot.

I wouldn't say that Brooks rules are that anything that makes zombies impossible in real life doesn't apply to his fiction. He accepts that zombies would freeze and decay in heat. He even says zombies would eventually starve to 'death'.

Wait, wait, sorry. I totally forgot about that OTHER whiny bitchy teenage boy. Yeah, he can go first. "BUT DAAAAAAAD! THIS IS IMPORTANT! YOU DON'T GET IT!!" If not a zombie, then a piano straight onto his head, please.

Yet another show where 80% of problems can be resolved if people actually spoke to each other like real people.

Haha, I came down here to the comments to say the same thing. I thought Roseanne and Aunt Jackie would for sure be on the list. My family had a very similar dynamic to Roseanne, two older girls close in age and a younger brother (me!). In fact, those kids paralleled our lives pretty closely; the oldest sister

It's weird because it really was an on/off sibling relationship for me watching. There were moments when the brother/sister dynamic really played well. Just moments, like little fights or how they would have similar weird interests. The biggest moment I can think of being the 'routine' at the NYE party. But

I feel like Shania is a bit different. She really did come from nothing, less than nothing. Although that doesn't make her legit in and of itself, she just made her money, took care of her family and fucked off to Switzerland. I guess she's just coming back now, but whatever. She got hers and can actually perform

I was thinking that it was stupid to have this kid to be so unimpressed by the dinosaurs. I mean, it's one thing to be too cool for the zoo or rollercoasters, but you have giant until recently extinct monsters frolicking around you. Judging by the dialogue, as terrible as it was, this is his first time seeing these

I was so disappointed in this movie. I was not expecting the brilliance or wonder of the original, but I still expected thrills and entertainment. Instead, it was boring and predictable. As the review states, the raptors looked unconvincing and it is a huge testament to the people who worked on Jurassic Park that

I was more confused that a Presidential sweet with the actual fucking President in it doesn't just order in whatever the hell they want and have extras on hand. I know I avoid the mini bar, but I always assumed rich and powerful people raided it to their heart's content.

Dick outline? You can get that on network TV (thanks hi def!). That shit was like Basic Instinct uncrossed legs scene for the gays. Now I know how my friends felt watching Baywatch. Justin Theroux should get a gay porn award and the director should get a GLAAD lifetime membership. Heroes, all of them.

I suggest they depict the move from New York to Texas with Justin Theroux jogging the whole way down in sweatpants. Perhaps some episodes can be in slow motion, others could include Justin removing his shirt in the southern heat. I am also open to rainstorms and reststops for him to wipe away the sweat and cool his

Exactly. To continue with Ford, he didn't go back to the House as a Representative after he was defeated in 1976 by Carter. I'm not sure of the legality of such a move (I'm Canadian!) but it's just not done. President is as far as you go. Besides, in the cynical world of Veep (and the cynical world we live in),

I will not stand by and allow this abuse to be thrown at S1. First of all, ok yes it was low budget. But for this reason it was probably the most authentic season. It was just a bunch of bitches having fun for a little while. None of them expected the whole thing to be shown on TV, never mind have it turn into a

Like I said, I respectfully disagree.

Insert the "Soooooo….they all look alike to you?" comment. Hahahaha.

I get the feeling that Ru never really liked Pearl, but kept her around for other reasons. Even her interview of her tonight seemed half assed. I was so sure Pearl was gone last episode so Kennedy would make it to the final. And you know, at that point I would have been fine with it. I like Pearl, but I'm still