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I respectfully disagree with your assessment about Tyra and Raja regarding fashion queens. Tyra was always polished and looked great, but I can seriously only remember one outfit she wore the entire season. The aqua green bathing suit with wrap (and Michelle would have probably torn it apart if she was a judge at

Why wasn't Violet wearing the crown? I know they tape everyone doing it, but I think I remember Bianca, Jinkx and Sharon all doing the walk with the crown. Did she have to give this one back to Sharon?

Ho hum, this season is over. Am I dying to see what any of these queens will do next? Not really. I'd be interested to see where Max goes from here, and some of Violet's fashions. And of course Katya, but I feel like the fan support she's gotten has been intensified even more by the fact that there was no other

What's with the Max bashing? I actually think they were unnecessarily catty to her at the reunion. It is an elocution, which goes with her 1940s era starlet persona. Besides, when did it become a faux pas for drag queens to change their voices and speaking patterns? Guess what, People in Eerie, Penn don't actually

Raven was so unlikable. It's just that S1 was full of such friendly, congenial queens (except Rebecca Glasscock, who wasn't even that bad) and then you had Jujube and Pandora. I was still interested in Raven on the show, but I never really liked her. Like you, though, since the show my view of her has done a…well,

The first openly gay/queer person I remember seeing on TV was Ricky on My So Called Life. He was a working class Latino. I remember thinking, "Oh my god! There's a gay kid on TV! And also Claire Danes is so hot! I'm…confused," Like so many kids, that show really represented the teenage years I was just entering

Right! That's what I get for using African-American and black interchangeably. Maybe I should just stick to woman of colour. Or…person of colour?

Sahara? Didn't she finish like 9th or something? But it was Season 2 the last time an African American queen made the final 3 (Tyra). It seems like Ru overcorrected after she got shit for picking two modelesque black queens in her image back to back. But, I guess we have to ask ourselves what other African

I thought so too. The comment seemed strange for me, but I'm not completely sure.

Plus, there's a difference between messing up an expression in an off cuff interview and mixing up two very different words several times during what should be a rehearsed speech. I don't mean to insult Kennedy as a person, I'm just saying that as the Drag Superstar you're going to be expected to make those sorts of

Honestly, I think the decision on who was going was made long before Kennedy, or anyone else, opened up their mouths on that stage (not that I know why that decision was made the way it was). So I don't think anything she said cost her a spot in the top 3. As for Ginger, her attitude and words may cost her the crown

I agree. I think Violet is pretty educated in drag and pop culture. She may be a "look" queen, but her look isn't stuck in only one aesthetic. Yes, vintage pin up is her go to look, but we've seen her pull off some other intelligent and polished looks, too. While I agree with Michelle (ugh, now I need to bathe)

It's even more frustrating because Ginger isn't even that old. She was 29 during filming.

I'd like to formally state that I never got the Trinity love. She was a great lip syncer, no doubt, and her runways were some of the only memorable ones from S6. But I would have much rather have had April stay instead of her after their lip sync. But props to Trinity for having so many fans.

Out of all the queens' transitions over the seasons, I really enjoyed Alyssa's the most, probably because it wasn't scripted or even intended. When she first came on I thought she was just an annoying pageant girl, even though she stood in the first Untucked. Every episode I was like, "Wait a second. Did she really

I absolutely agree about the boy drag. I love genderfuck androgyny personally. However, other queens have been read for it. It's not like they did a terrible job, Michelle just basically said, "This isn't a show for boy drag". Then suddenly it's the best thing in the world for Kennedy. I don't think it should

If I'm not mistaken, Bebe and Tyra were both pageant girls. Only one of those deserved the win, though (Nina may have deserved it more, but there is no argument against Bebe winning).

I felt the same way after Ben DeLa was eliminated last season. Not (just) because I really liked her, but the manipulation was so heavy handed. But here I am. I will say I've watched the show very differently since then and it's not nearly as enjoyable. I sometimes (like this week) go a couple of days forgetting a

At times I do believe she just has the queens' best interests at heart. And then other times I remember, "Ewww, green. I don't like it."

I echo your comment exactly, tragically!