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I would like to see Kelly Osbourne. I would also like to see Kristen Johnson. I supposed they want a male voice, and too bad John Waters isn't available every week…to watch the show with me and generally be my best buddy in life. I don't really feel like they need a "gay celebrity" or anyone from the drag scene in

But the thing is, I'm sure they have to submit a resume of sorts in their application, and Ru gets all the details. But Ru went right over to Ginger and said, "Now, you don't sew!" It wasn't a question, it was a statement. I don't really personally care, and I also don't blame Ginger for giving her own narrative a

Oh, season one is awesome. It had a $50 budget, filmed in Ru's garage and no one knew if it would be cancelled mid-runway. Yet it had great challenges and queens. We'd be blessed to have another season with the likes of Ongina, Bebe, Tammie, Shannel and the immaculate Nina Flowers. Not to mention the total hot

It was so nice to see the other queens, completely independently in their confessionals, say they felt closest to Katya like they felt their relationship was completely unique. And she achieved that without being fake or hippy dippy or quiet or cowardly. She was just herself and everyone loved her for it. You can't

Alyssa shouldn't have won because it's not "fan favourite not in the top three", it's supposed to go to the girl who was the nicest on the show, hence "congeniality". I do admit, however, that even though I enjoyed Ivy Winters I never quite understood her win. I guess there just wasn't anyone else. Detox was a

Wasn't Kennedy's Hello Kennedy her music video persona with a cat head? I honestly thought so at the time. I think it's the same dress.

With all the team challenges this year, it seems like they only announce if they'll be judged as a group or individually after the runway. Maybe I'm just retroactively applying my shade, but it feels like it's always done in a way to save certain queens. Kennedy being the main culprit. Not that I don't think she's

After Ben DeLa's elimination last year I've definitely adjusted expectations. There have been other fishy (pun totally intended) eliminations in the past, but that one reeked of manipulation. It was clear that they knew who their final 3 were going to be and Ben DeLa was a threat to that so they used the opportunity

I don't hate Ginger or Kennedy! I think they're both very talented. I just think they're being moved along in this competition unfairly to the other queens. But, then again, it's reality TV.

Yet another rule Kennedy gets away with breaking. You know, it's a not so serious drag race TV show, but when Ru and the judges explicitly state these things and then just ignore their own words later on, especially several times for the same queen, it gets a bit much. I almost expect her to pull off her wig next

"Condragulations, my dear. You are the winner of this challenge. You have won the earrings you are currently wearing. Well, one of them."

I thought she would win, too, but then I thought she's too similar to Bianca. She has a bit of that insult comic thing going on. I'm thinking it'll be Violet or Katya. Outside shot at Kennedy, Ru seems to really respond to her.

I still know people who don't like Willam. "She's just so into herself! And she seems kind of dumb!" Do you also need an adult to explain the "Who's on First" routine to you?

I would say it's a mix of both. Pearl would have had nothing to say if not for Max. I love her, but she's no Tina Fey who's going to improvise a killer routine.

Wait….I thought Rose Nylund was a drag queen.

Agree. I have issues with Ginger, but there's no denying she's extremely talented and smart (probably tied up there, in different ways, with Katya on this season).

Yeah, I see this sentiment a lot. I never got the feeling that Courtney got a villain edit. They showed her being really supportive and friendly most of the time. As for Darienne, maybe some of it was the edit but those who say it was just her dry wit don't seem to understand what dry wit means. Courtney had dry

How can you point to Courtney when Adore had her busted ass magically passed through the exact same season. I want to be clear here, I always loved Adore, but she should have been btm 2 at least twice in the first few episodes. I'm not mad she wasn't, but to say Courtney was the most favoured that season is a bit of

In regards to your last comment:

That is some shady shit. I don't know Max, obviously, could be saving face here. But would she really risk making up a bald faced lie about Ru to save a little bit of embarrassment? She's gotta know Ru could squash that in a second if she wants to. Interested to find out more, just to know how shady this year's