Here to Help

I absolutely believe some of the Trixie outrage was engineered. I'm expecting her to come back. Not just in this case, but it's a bit unfair because she didn't have to do the last 3(I think) challenges. Who knows, maybe she would have sucked last week or in the Snatch Game. Frankly, I think they should have done

I actually liked Ginger's Adele, except the plate of food. It's so unnecessary and lazy. I was also disappointed in Latrice's plate of food in S4. Bitches, there's more to being funny than a plate of food. If someone is known for a certain type of food then go for it. But fat=plate of food ain't funny. (It's not

As you said, Kennedy was fine but she did the exact same line every time! She even mocked herself in the confessional. When they were introducing everyone, we hear shade metallic sound after shade metallic sound. Then Kennedy answers, "I"m felling a little more Tutti, baby! Wooooooo!" Cut to Ru and the judges

I don't like how they characterized Max as this freak weirdo would deserved to go. Isn't drag all about freak weirdos? Oh no, sorry. It's all about the bitchy pageant queens who wear chicken costumes and think big girls eating non stop is "comedy gold". I was never a huge Max fan, but at least I was excited to see

Rewarding the risk of boy drag would have worked if other hadn't tried it in the past and been chastised for it. Alaska wasn't told her PeeWee character wasn't funny, just that the show is not about boy drag. Little Richard was certainly entertaining, but then again he was two catchphrases deep, as well. The

I actually love Miss Fame as a person (presented on this show, at least) but her 'character' is boring. Jaidyn is a sweetheart and I actually wouldn't mind her going far. But she's not setting the drag world on fire.

ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhh…..I see what's happening here. Ru is getting rid of all the interesting girls and rewarding the basic bitches because she wants to test how much we love the show. See, so many people said they would stop watching after Ben DeLa sashayed last year, so Ru has called our bluff. We'll be left

I don't know who Big Ang is, but I thought it was fucking brilliant. The line about having a rough childhood was amazing, especially how she delivered it. Maybe it's because I don't know who the real person is, but at least hers seemed original and more than one note. Little Richard did his wooooo and Adele ate.

This was also the season of not taking off your wig UNLESS YOU HAVE ANOTHER WIG UNDER THAT WIG!

I think she did win the reading challenge, but that was a mini challenge. I was talking about the main challenges.

Alright, I still don't really know who Arianna Grande is, but after watching Untucked I believe she's cool. No spoilers.

And also

Just watched Untucked. Alls I got to say is
Bitch, you look desperate.
I just don't like people who look desperate.

Then again, when I saw the movie I was 10 and wanted to be the Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn, and wanted Bruce Willis to hold me. This was shortly after seeing Sophie's Choice and Die Hard. It was a confusing time. To be honest, it hasn't gotten any less confusing. But if Bruce Willis were to show at my door

I thought that too! But then I thought it had been a while since I saw the movie so I was wrong.

This was just pointed out to me elsewhere……..

I don't know who Ross Matthews is, I just know him from past judging stints on this show. I always thought he was on point with this comments before but didn't think he would have enough gravitas to be a permanent judge. However, I think he's done an excellent job this season. Better than that other new guy,

Soooooo….we're not talking about Max's tiny umbrella?

I thought it was much more witty and committed than most of the other looks. It also showed that she wasn't afraid to go 'ugly'. On top of that, I think it played up to the hype around Orange is the new Black (which was much higher when this was filmed).

I don't really know who Arianna is, although I've heard her name quite a bit and I'm sure I've heard her music. I thought she was the Australian who got flack for rapping like an African-American? Anyway, it doesn't matter. I also thought she was delightful.