Here to Help

I don't like the idea of people cheering queens leaving. I mean, maybe they're not your type of queen and maybe they weren't totally entertaining to you. But they were still good enough to compete on the show and it's not like they molested alter boys or anything. Cheer Jaidyn staying, but don't cheer Kandy

It's also often the case that if people have a problem with homosexuality, they also believe it's a choice, or a phase, that can be undone or grown out of. Many families might know that someone is living a 'gay lifestyle', but can be 'brought back' and live a 'normal life'.

Yeah but….those chicken stories. Those were worth 1000 back rolls.

I don't deny that she's two faced, but I also can't deny that she's extremely talented.

I am one of the few who actually loved Lynesha. I'm not totally into the 'look' queens, but I think she did have a great sense of humour. It just didn't translate well, literally. It's a classic example of the language barrier for (some of) the PR queens.

Jujube didn't win a challenge at all, if memory serves me.

So….what would your Death Becomes Her runway be? I'LL GO FIRST!

You have to remember that all the lip syncs you mentioned happened towards the end with stand out queens. We're still working our way through the chaff here.

Oh my god, all the upvotes. That was amazing.

A one way monkey?

As was I. Last week's green thing was just odd. If you guys watch the fashion photo Ruview with Raja and Raven, you'll see the outfits better and get an idea of how lackluster her runway has been. But I still find her funny and entertaining.

Kandy looked way better than her tonight.

Yeah, but none of the girls do. I'm seeing potential of a top 3 in Katya, Ginger, Max and Violet. Ru loves girls like Kennedy, so that's a possibility, too.

I take issue with the fact that, as you say here, and as Kathy said in the episodes, these references aren't 'gay enough'. You guys do realize that gays don't just live on pink rocks only listening to Lady Gaga and watching Romey and Michelle's High School Reunion, right? Lots of gays like lots of the same stuff the

I kind of expected Trixie to walk back in. Do they really send them home right after they get kicked off? I always thought they all still had to stick around for taping. I know they do for the Amazing Race, anyway.

I had a good come back to that, "It was good enough to get me through college!" It can be taken either way!

I actually really enjoyed this episode…until the winner and loser was announced. The Pearl/Max win was only done for the 'redemption' storyline, there's no other way to justify it. Ginger and Katya were the only really funny ones up there, though I did laugh at Fame's tapeworm comment because it came out of nowhere.

I have to sort of agree with your last paragraph. There's luck sure, but Alexandria has survived for 2+ years and now that the 'group' has arrived suddenly, apparently, the gate gets left open for the first time ever and walkers find their way in and no one notices? Look at what has happened to every other group or

Don't forget the super stealth walkers like the one who got Herschel.

I thought it was rule 34?