Here to Help


I was going to say the same thing.  Michelle wasn't on S1, could you imagine her reading Nina for not being 'glamorous enough'.  She'd probably be too busy panting over little fishy Kenya Michaels to see the superstar standing in front of her.

Sharon did a Little Edie theme on her magazine cover last season, so I'm sure Alaska knows.  Her and Detox along with Jinkx are the only intelligent queens this year, but that's nothing new.  Only Willam, Sharon, Chad and Latrice were intelligent last year (remember Jiggly not knowing what Stonewall is, or Phi Phi not

Just also want to add that they made it a point to show the Gov excusing the older lady with arthritis.  Everyone else in that shot seemed to be young and healthy (including the mom, who fit the parameters of an able bodied soldier the Gov gave to being with).  Frankly, if you're living in that sort of community I

@avclub-e090dc0d50bec3a36eb5d6371fd6030e:disqus No, they were nice enough to move off the path as she drove by.  Shouldn't be surprised as they have been kind enough to mow the grass for the last year or so.

Tell me about it guys.  The inability to have a conversation on this show is starting to remind me of Lost. I swear if they wake up in heaven in the final season saying it was all pointless because, hey, everybody dies so like whatever, I will go full on zombie on the whole staff.

"My son will NOT handle a weapon!  He's only a helpless child!"
"Where are you going?"
"To walk around a zombie infested area alone at night."
"What about Carl?""Who?  Oh, him.  He'll be fine."

Oops, maybe I should have kept reading.  I also offered my defence of child soldiers.  It makes total sense, doesn't it?  "MY SON HAS ASTHMA!"  Ok, lady, we'll let the zombies know so they don't chase him too fast.

Actually, I wouldn't have a problem with training teens in a zombie apocalypse.  In fact, it sort of makes sense.  That's what the townspeople were told, anyway, that they were being trained to defend the town.  Maybe it's crazy, but I sort of agree with the Governor here, 15 is plenty old enough to learn to shoot a

Why didn't they tell her that the Governor (almost) raped Maggie.  Why not tell her he killed innocent army guys to get their supplies, and it wasn't the first time.  Why not tell her tons of stuff.  Unless they did tell her off screen, in which case she's an even more terrible person than I previously thought.

Do people hate Michonne?  I certainly don't, although I must say I find her character frustratingly underdeveloped.  I loved her chat with Andrea tonight.  "You chose a warm bed over a friend."  Now, if that could have resulted in some sort of actual argument that let us get to understand their relationship better, it

Wow, I had the exact same thought as she left the prison. I imagined the group just calmly watching the scene before quietly walking back into the prison.

Lori left her child alone and told no one as she blindly chased after her husband who left a mere hour earlier to find someone else, then flipped her car trying to read a map on a deserted stretch of straight country road, then got incredibly angry because Rick saved her from certain death by bringing her back to a

Well, he isn't at Red Lobster.  He got banned after making a scene last time.

Roxxxy is the first boy on this show that has ever actually caught my eye.  I like that he describes himself as 'thick'.  Yes, very much so.  And yes, I choose to call him 'he' out of drag.  I've never been attracted to drag queens sexually but Nina Flowers, I would have her babies.  They would all have out of control

I also like Ivy.  I don't understand where this criticism of her being boring is coming from.  Bitch came out on stilts.

Instantly. Though to be honest, I do devote an embarrassing amount of my daily thoughts to Willam.

I'm already annoyed.  I love all three, but stop.  STAHP. If it was just Roxxy and Detox doing it then it'd be cute.  Just have messy kai kai already.  And tell us all about it.

@avclub-ad283026a2a2a5be72051a4cf93750eb:disqus Actually, it does make sense (thiiiiink about it) and I might even appreciate a read like that if it had any basis in reality.  As it is, Mr. Swearword is giving us troll realness.

Fascinating.  How does it feel to be so wrong?