Here to Help

@avclub-36d218e90fa7cb430c9930c5e4542988:disqus  just to follow up on your point, Alexis Mateo did a pretty good job with Alicia Keys, someone who doesn't really have much of a public persona.  I'm still a bit confused by the character she created for her, but it was very entertaining and professional.  I think

Honey really did seem sweet, but if she got anymore San Fran Hippie Dippie she would have pulled out a joint and started telling us about the Age of Aquarius.  I think she's a lovely human being, but I want at least a hint of piss and vinegar from my drag queens.

Nah, even now, a year later, when you say "The Princess" I know exactly who you're talking about and can still remember some things she did.  I also have a grasp of what her character is, even if it was undeveloped back then. Whenever they showed Vivienne I immediately thought, "Who's that?" and I think if you bring

I'm as liberal anti-gun as you can get (aka Canadian), and the presence of guns in this show has never even entered my bleeding heart mind.  It's like calling the USS Enterprise hypocritical for having torpedoes while saying they come in peace.  Every now and again you encounter the Borg.  Or, in this case, the living

I was with some British guys this weekend, and they used "Streets Ahead" in regular conversation.  Neither of them had ever seen Community.  Apparently, it's a regular British expression.  I had no idea.  They also held me down in order to kick my nuts (it was a drunken post-wedding party…not that this explains

No, RuPaul already did the Walking Drag, S4E1.

They can compete against the "RuPaul's Best Friends Race" team.

Didn't you hear, they discovered Nina in Switzerland last summer.  It was all over the news.  I believe the headline was, "GOD PARTICLE FOUND".  Nina is perfection in any language.

I get more of a Tammy Brown vibe from her.  Was it on the show, or in the comments somewhere last week, someone described Jinx as a more lucid Tammy Brown.  I find that to be apt.  APT!

I think what's missing from S2+3, and now this season, is the calming authoritative presence of a Nina Flowers or Latrice Royale.  S2 had too many shade throwers, while S3 split themselves into two groups.  Latrice let PhiPhi do her thing, but only because she knew Sharon could handle her.  Without the Royale with

I actually speak French and never put that together.  Merci.

"You're doll is trying to kill my husband!!  Yes, I'll hold."

Yeah, when I think of underdogs I think of people who fight through adversity and use skills not normally rewarded (smarts, patience, cunning, likability) to pull ahead.  The Beekmans kinda sucked at everything.  They couldn't even deliver the pizzas right in their home town.  I thought they'd do better with the

Yeah, when I think of underdogs I think of people who fight through adversity and use skills not normally rewarded (smarts, patience, cunning, likability) to pull ahead.  The Beekmans kinda sucked at everything.  They couldn't even deliver the pizzas right in their home town.  I thought they'd do better with the

@avclub-b750f74544cb00c138079607276995e9:disqus I'm not entirely sure of that.  Unless it was heavily edited, in that episode it showed the Beekmans completing the final task (pole vaulting the ditch) pretty quickly while the other team had some difficulties.  Unless they decided to wait for them, which is entirely

@avclub-b750f74544cb00c138079607276995e9:disqus I'm not entirely sure of that.  Unless it was heavily edited, in that episode it showed the Beekmans completing the final task (pole vaulting the ditch) pretty quickly while the other team had some difficulties.  Unless they decided to wait for them, which is entirely

I laughed last week when they saw the Beekmans with a map and said, "Of course they're super prepared, they're gay!"  or something like that.  But after about the 50th reference to gay I was over it.  I don't think they were being mean spirited necessarily, just not very smart or sensitive I guess.

I laughed last week when they saw the Beekmans with a map and said, "Of course they're super prepared, they're gay!"  or something like that.  But after about the 50th reference to gay I was over it.  I don't think they were being mean spirited necessarily, just not very smart or sensitive I guess.

@yahoo-Z2TWCC4QL7Q757CWTN2CFKI52Y:disqus IIRC, in another season one team moved the clothes or other belongings of a competitor to make it harder for them to find and they were penalized.  I see this as the same thing only because it was in an office where only these teams were and the Long Hair Don't Care team almost

@yahoo-Z2TWCC4QL7Q757CWTN2CFKI52Y:disqus IIRC, in another season one team moved the clothes or other belongings of a competitor to make it harder for them to find and they were penalized.  I see this as the same thing only because it was in an office where only these teams were and the Long Hair Don't Care team almost