Here to Help

I can speak to this.  I live in Korea, and this morning I got an earful about how it was the Canadians who forced Park to be disqualified because that got our guy in the final.  Because Canada is such a swimming powerhouse that we can manipulate the system like this.  Then it was because of the Chinese. Unfortunately,

Growing up in southern Ontario we got the CBC's Olympic coverage of course, but also NBC's American coverage.  It was horrid to watch.  Some people say the Olympics are bad because it encourages nationalism and flag waving, but I've always thought those people are idiots.  Nothing's wrong with a bit of friendly

Growing up in southern Ontario we got the CBC's Olympic coverage of course, but also NBC's American coverage.  It was horrid to watch.  Some people say the Olympics are bad because it encourages nationalism and flag waving, but I've always thought those people are idiots.  Nothing's wrong with a bit of friendly

You can find the official Olympic broadcast online quite easily (legally, I believe) with no commentary.  Actually, that's how it's presented on the Canadian site.  Much better.

You can find the official Olympic broadcast online quite easily (legally, I believe) with no commentary.  Actually, that's how it's presented on the Canadian site.  Much better.

Suggesting leaving out the Parade of Nations is the most arrogant thing I've ever heard about the Olympics (no surprise I've only heard it from Americans).  How dare these kids who work their asses off for 4 years get 1 minute to enjoy themselves while hundreds of people make millions of dollars off their backs and

Suggesting leaving out the Parade of Nations is the most arrogant thing I've ever heard about the Olympics (no surprise I've only heard it from Americans).  How dare these kids who work their asses off for 4 years get 1 minute to enjoy themselves while hundreds of people make millions of dollars off their backs and

Because absolutely no conspiracy theories have ever come from this, or any other tragedies that have had full disclosure (Oklahoma City, Manson, Waco, the moon landing, etc.).  But I do agree, instead of portraying this piece of shit like a mastermind, why not show him for what he really is?  Some guy who bought a

I went to see Batman yesterday.  I was going to wait a bit, as I always do with blockbusters (I like real superhero movies, so I only saw the The Dark Knight after a few months due to a friend, watched the first one a year after that on a plane).  
Going to see this movie was my very simple way of saying FUCK YOU.  I

I went to see Batman yesterday.  I was going to wait a bit, as I always do with blockbusters (I like real superhero movies, so I only saw the The Dark Knight after a few months due to a friend, watched the first one a year after that on a plane).  
Going to see this movie was my very simple way of saying FUCK YOU.  I

Ceci n'est pas un hibou.

Ceci n'est pas un hibou.

THANKS FOR THE SPOILERS!  And I was just going to watch it tonight!

THANKS FOR THE SPOILERS!  And I was just going to watch it tonight!

We have a WBC in Canada, only we call them "Fucking Crazy People No One Has Ever, Not Even Once, Taken Seriously".  Why does the US have this obsession with collecting the craziest, most extreme idiots and pretending that they have something to say.  Yeah, they have the right to free speech.  But they don't have a

We have a WBC in Canada, only we call them "Fucking Crazy People No One Has Ever, Not Even Once, Taken Seriously".  Why does the US have this obsession with collecting the craziest, most extreme idiots and pretending that they have something to say.  Yeah, they have the right to free speech.  But they don't have a

Don't worry, metal is becoming more fashionable now so sites like this are praising it again.

I would add that show "Prison Break" in Korea.  It's still huge here, and most Koreans are confused that I haven't watched it.  For a few years there, every 7/11 was plastered in Prison Break posters, there were contests and if I remember correctly the lead actor made some visits here to screaming fans.  I still don't

I would add that show "Prison Break" in Korea.  It's still huge here, and most Koreans are confused that I haven't watched it.  For a few years there, every 7/11 was plastered in Prison Break posters, there were contests and if I remember correctly the lead actor made some visits here to screaming fans.  I still don't

And Kylie Minogue