Here to Help

I think Dayana's strategy this week was to make Lisa as emotional and off balance as possible, which is shockingly easy to do.  She finally brought up the fact that Lisa has a weeping session every time she's in that boardroom.  In most business situations that aren't televised in order to get ratings, Lisa's blow up

Is it a reaction to last season, which had so many likable teams?  Seriously, the only villain was the father on that sailing team and he was gone by this point.

Actually, once I was waiting for a connecting flight in an airport and a guy on staff came over to those of us waiting saying the flight had been oversold so he needed people to go on the flight leaving right then to the same destination.  I volunteered and got to ride across the airport in one of those carts

Thank you for that.  Baaaaahhhhston Raaaaaaaaaahhhb was annoying as hell.  When you do a google search for Masshole, his ugly mug comes up.  I think every "reality star" that has done TAR has been despised and ineffective because this contest is more about co-operation, patience and skill than the others where the

@avclub-c4b4f68d920ab728e3ceef942fbcef40:disqus I said this last week.  I could easily find at least a dozen instances where women on this race have told their husbands some variation of, "You should listen to your wife!"  I feel like some posters on this site are grasping for straws to make Dave into this evil wife

And if you slow the tape down enough, you'll see Dave was actually the second shooter on the grassy knoll.

I really don't see it as misogynistic.  I've heard many women on this show (and others) say, "You should listen to your wife!"  I don't think he said it in a mean way, just in a "Yeah!  We kicked ass!" way.  I think the avclub commentators decided that Dave is this evil guy from the fist episode and even when he

Give me an hour on netflix and I will probably find at least 10 women saying "Listen to your wife!" on TAR.  Give me 10 days on these boards and I will probably find exactly 0 accusations of spousal abuse.  Not saying Dave is a wonderful guy to his wife, but the hate towards him on this site is getting pretty absurd.

I just simply cannot agree with this statement.

I never got into the show, but even though I didn't have cable (Canada) and then lived overseas, I have probably seen most episodes at least in part.  Elaine seemed to be the most developed character to me.  I don't like George, obviously, but he's pretty developed, too.  Jerry was Jerry, whatever.  Kramer wasn't much

Irony: Disney making t-shirts with the Joy Division cover.

As I said, I get that Jay and Cam's dad would say things like that.  I just think it should have been addressed.  Obviously, Cam and Mitchell never saw any of their roles as unequal so it would have been nice to have a scene afterwards where they somehow explained to their dads that it doesn't bother them because they

Maybe I'm being oversensitive, but while I liked the Cam/Mitchell storyline, I was a tiny bit bothered by how they approached the whole woman thing.  Basically it was the line (paraphrasing), "The fact is, they're both equal."  To me, that sort of implied that a man/woman relationship isn't supposed to be equal, which

@avclub-8c6dcc4e048cbce98d9881c6880303e1:disqus  I thought about those.  I would say Joan was shoe in, and then she had this rivalry with Annie Duke that made good TV.  In my opinion, that's what Aubrey and Lisa are both trying to accomplish by baiting Clay so much.  As for Holly, that's the only season I actually

More fuel for the fire.  I just found this quote from Lisa in an interview.
“I actually would love to see her [Dayana] giving birth. She's a spic! She's going to do it fucking soon anyway. She'll be knocked up before the end of the week.”

@avclub-e0d88e2e3f2cedb469ceda2f11315b22:disqus I totally agree.  We could make a "Too good for Apprentice" list.  I would add Marlee Matlin for sure.  An Oscar winner for pete's sake!  Other possible nominees: Joan Rivers, Dionne Warwick, Meat Loaf and Gene Simmons.  At least in Marlee's and Cyndi's cases (and maybe

As much as I dislike Aubrey I have to agree.  She really does know how to play the game.  The only problem is that Arsenio called her out on it.  She didn't see that coming.  She should have just let him have the picture he wanted on that box.  It was his choice, and he was PM.  But she screwed up by being too

I'm not sure if Aubrey is a true narcissist or it's just that nobody ever told her she ain't the shit.  I'm a teacher and I don't think I've ever had a true narcissist student, but I've certainly had ones who have never been told that they're not the most important thing in the world.  There's a difference between

I wonder how these charities feel after they watch this show with their donors.  Aubrey playing for an anti-bullying charity and Lisa playing for the Gay men's health crisis line (historic victims of bullying).  I mean, I'm sure they'll gladly take the money and I don't hold it against them one bit.  But they must be

I don't throw the word 'abuse' around lightly at all.  Rachel is beyond whiny and dramatic.  Examples:
-Screaming at Brendan every time he speaks, telling him he's yelling at her (role-reversal and projecting)
-Withholding affection (in Italian/German leg).
-Telling Brendan that she wasn't going to stay with him after