Here to Help

I can't really believe what I'm hearing in this thread.  I didn't see BB and obviously I only have a limited view of Rachel from this show.  But it is clear to me that she is verbally and emotionally abusive to Brendan.  It's also painfully obvious to me that she's narcissistic.  I don't think anyone would tolerate

But it was silly because, to echo Violina, there was no way for the teams to switch orders.  Both teams do the bike thing, then get u-turned.  Then they'll spend the exact same amount of time in line for water, without having the opportunity to pass one another.  Add that to the bee keeper task, and there really was

I agree.  Their reaction to their 3rd place finish was "Well, that's because….!"  The placings would have been identical no matter what.  They're just using it to a) cover up for their mediocre performances recently; and b) to make "drama" so they'll get more TV time.

I'm actually getting disgusted at the way Lisa is treating Dayana.  It's textbook bullying.  It's one thing to have a rivalry or two people who don't like each other.  But whether it's calculated or not, Lisa is a very emotionally manipulative and abusive person.  One minute being nice and the next freaking out

I will say it's hard to watched improv on tape.  It's all about being there in the moment and participating.  It's also about the whole story, so sometimes a specific gag will not seem great out of context.  I thought it was incredibly clear that Lisa's team won this one.  As they should seeing as they have 3 seasoned

I really think Trump doesn't like her, and that has a lot to do with who makes it to the end.  Granted, I've only watched 1 season the whole way through, but I've seen him fire people who get on his nerves.  Trump even seemed a bit bothered by her backhanded compliments to Teresa today.  Also, Trump wants known names

@avclub-e0d88e2e3f2cedb469ceda2f11315b22:disqus , I would group Cyndi Lauper into that category as well.  I've watched several post-Apprentice interviews with her and everyone is just bewildered why she did it.  Her response "I got to say "Gay Rights'' on prime time network TV, and a year later we finished our house

Nothing's wrong with Montreal.  It used to be the Canada's financial and social capital until the Quiet Revolution in the 70s.  Then lots of people left as did the money.  It become less diverse because immigrants were scared off, too.  It's still a fantastic city, though.

No, I'm implying that Toronto is as bland as most American cities (obviously excepting NY, SF, and some others) while our other big cities (basically, Vancouver and Montreal) are not.

I'm just responding to say I'VE BEEN TO ICELAND!  Right around the time of the volcano action in 2010.  Unparalleled beauty.  Truly out of this world.  Oh, sorry.  That last part was about the prices.

Bjork lives in London now.  Duh.

I feel like there has to be a crime solving dimension to this.  They could dress up to do undercover work.  "I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for these darn Drag Queens!"

Anthony Thompson, I can't reply to you directly and I don't know how to do that name thing.

Totally.  I haven't seen many live drag shows, but I used to live across from one, a real pit.  I would say it was in someone's basement, but it was actually above a Mr. Sub (think that's a Canadian Subway).  Anyway, because it was so small the performers didn't just try to pull off fish.  They performed and did some

Agree.  While drama might be the lighthouse that alerts the lost ships, it's hospitality that keeps us around.  Humans are designed to recoil from obvious injustice.  I know it's just a dumb reality show, but to see someone work so hard and get shafted by someone not only less talented (see that everyday at work) but

Oh man (?), no shame.  I've rewatched most of the episodes because there's so much going on all the time I miss so much.  No shade, but I just looked up the scene on logo's site and it's definitely Latrice who walked in last.  Shannon was just before her.  It also makes me wonder what happened to that fierce Latrice.

Just watched untucked.  Ru needs to have a dump truck of Emmys unloaded at her front door.

Well, the curse/prize of the last to walk in the workroom is dead.  If I remember correctly, Latrice was the last one in on episode one.

I totally agree.  I've been saying it for a while.  I feel like Willam was kicked off that episode in order to save Phi2.  They said they knew for a while what Willam was up to, and I feel like after seeing how terrible Phi2 and Sharon were going to do, the producers decided that was the right moment to kick her out.

Arsenio was probably going overboard by the end there, but it does bother me that once a man uses the B word all of a sudden it's sexist and unacceptable.  Aubrey was being a bitch.  I'm not one of those reverse-sexism is worse than real sexism guys, but I do get tired of women like Aubrey and Lisa who go around and