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Really?  You must not be gay.  Or perverted. Or have a pause button along with an active imagination.   Or be a loving god, who looks down upon us while being gay and perverted with a pause button and an active imagination.  Make it happen, Jesus.

That also took me about 12 hours to get.  I'm still not sure.  Phil's middle name is Mat?  Right?

That's the home OWNER tax!

Agreed.  Its seems like her only reason for coming back on the show has been character rehabilitation.  She doesn't seem too invested in any of the challenges and she hasn't pushed her work very far.  She never seems too upset or happy or anything really.  Tonight she responded to the judges critiques with "I see your

Agreed.  Although I feel like that drag queen boyfriend moment was totally producer, uh, produced.  She didn't really seem all that into the fight afterwards, but I guess she felt that she had to pursue it in order to appease the show.  Even Chad Michaels (who I like more and more every show) didn't seem that into

I have no idea why this article tries to compare it to Seinfeld.  That show was about friends in a totally different universe.  I think a more honest and obvious comparison would be to Roseanne, which was a much much much better show, in regards to both comedy and cultural relevance.  ELR was a run-of-the-mill

Is it just me, or does Dida-whatshername just look like a man with a wig on?  This week on the runway was the first time I was sort of fooled by the illusion, but the video was Kids in the Hall level drag.  Her performance was fantastic, but to me it's just a boy with a wig and not even the personality to make me

Re: Untucked

The thing about MJ is that he was acquitted and the boy who first accused him (the one he paid off) has admitted he was forced to do it by his parents.  I'm not saying MJ was a saint or even a well-developed person, but I don't think we can equate his unproven crimes up to the obvious ones of Chris Brown.  In any

Head to head challenge.  Plagiarism.  Drama.

The same world that got angry at a black woman for showing a breast instead of a white man that sang about getting a girl naked whether she liked it or not, then literally ripping her clothes off on live TV. 

“She was going for Sex And The City, it was more like sex in the alley.”
"Well, I wouldn't turn that down either."

I think Sharon and Latrice are headed for the top 3, probably with Phi Phi or Kenya (that's the little one, right?).  I think Willam will make it far, but her dry attitude will be her downfall (even though I love it).  I had a feeling that Ru would force a big girl into the top 3 to prove a point this season, but it

It's not Chinese New Year, it's Lunar New Year.  Just like how December 31st is not American New Year.  You haven't conquered all of Asia yet, China.

Not that I'm denying something like this wouldn't be shown in a Muslim country, but the thing is the sketch was making fun of radically devout people rather than Jesus himself.  That's the thing these right-wingers don't get (or rather, they do get but try to muddy the situation to their advantage).  Tim Tebow's

Why was the cop just hanging out instead of watching the (apparently) one entrance to the roof?  How can there be no cameras?  How can Dexter drag a body and his son off the roof in the middle of the day without anyone noticing.  Also, Hanks didn't know Dexter was alive?  So he happened to drop in the only 20 seconds

Also: Dex said he had something really important to do last night, something personal.  But he was just out on his boat?  And he happened to fall off?  And Doomsday happened to explode something out there?  Huh.  Better go see my therapist for permission to bang my brother. 

Adam + Eve had two sons.  There are currently approximately 7 billion people on the planet.  But as long as the Bible lets us be mean to gay people, I'll believe anything. 

It'll probably go something like this:
Oh Deb, I came here to do my job but he attacked me and tried to kill me.  Then I thought of everything he's put you through and I just wanted to kill him so bad!

I agree.  The biggest disappointment for me was that Deb didn't use her "smarts" to find Dexter.  Last season when she was about to discover Dex and Lumen it was totally earned (not coincidentally, I was on the edge of my seat).  This time, she just strolls in, whatever.  She was supposed to find him by chasing him,