Here to Help

I'm a baseball and Hank Aaron fan so I'm aware of all the numbers, but there is no way I would have pieced it together in the context of the race.  You're right, I'd be expecting an address or coordinates or something like that. 

They should just use Project Runway's cast from season 11 for TAR next year.  Except they'd probably just hand the win over to Gretchen because Mondo didn't listen to Phil's advice about not using the blue taxi.

I think if there was sexism (and I don't) it would have been how it was just assumed the men would be the pilots and the women the co-pilots. Armani letting Marcus fuck up so many times in a row in the plane nearly blew my mind.  After the 4th time she should have just said, "Move over, I'm going to give it a try." 

Completely agree Lt. Buttocks (Did I just type that?).  Once it got into sex addictions and brain tumors I bailed.  Brain tumors…that was a meta soap opera cliche by 1985.  Oh, and a gay man who's attacted to his rapist…because all gays are just S&M shamebots who are so perverted they crave humiliation and degradation

I thought the Homer and drinking siblings parts were so authentic because my father was never around growing up but he has turned into a really fantastic grandfather, which is just one topic my sisters and I bring up over several bottles of wine/whiskey when we get together once a year.  I think future episodes are so

Yeah, maybe it's a bit of jealousy coming through.  But my point was that I was glad to see another team finally get the breaks the Dudez always seem to get (fast, reliable cabbie, etc.).  Yes they finished the tasks faster, but do people really root for and feel good that two male Olympians beat a small Asian chick

I'm not so sure.  Maybe it was just editing, but it looked like the Dudez just walked out of their cab, said "Hey, it's written on her dress!" and walked back to their taxi.  I think there may have been some producer help to make it look closer at the end than it really was.  The canal is way out there from the city,

That's kind of a ridiculous starting point.  It's not against the rules to figure out the clue in another manner than was decribed in your written clue.  What if a team over-hears another team solve the puzzle?  How do they then prove that they went back and solved it themselves?  I compare it to a teacher saying you

Personally I couldn't stand the Dudez from day 1, and they just got more annoying as the race went on.  I dislike it when people seem to do nothing in particular special, but always seem to have things work out for them.  I realize the guys are Olympians and did several things better than the other teams in the race,

I did a project on She Bop for my Media studies class in high school (mid-90s).  My punk loving teacher was upset that I didn't pick a more underground song (we talked music alot).  I explained that talking about a pop song that got tons of radio play which was actually about diddling yourself was much more exciting. 

I saw that Lauper/Turner tour too!  1996-ish, right?  Lots of fun.

Knowing where the ladyboys are in Thailand are like knowing where the corn crops are in Iowa. 

'First class' on Asian buses basically means express.  It's just their translation of the meaning into English, so it's totally not the same thing.  However, I think that team was more confused by the wording of the clue; "local transportation".  I couldn't figure out why it would be a problem.  Locals totally ride

If the Dudez would have been born in Thailand they would be Buddhist.  I don't have a problem with religiousness per se, but people have to realize their religion has more to do with where they were born than with any sort of connection to a god.  It also sounds ignorant to say, "The Bible is pretty clear."  Yeah,

I've been to Thailand a few times, and Phuket once, and $150 is waaaaaaaayyy too much.  A friend and I hired a driver for the day around the whole island for something like $50.  It was a total rip off, which is not uncommon in Thailand (people call it the Land of Smiles, but that's only as long as you're handing out

Yeah, but the lack of realization that if they were born in Thailand they'd be Buddhists is what gets to me.  The way the other lady handled it was great; "I don't share the same belief system, but by having a belief system of my own I know it is important to respect theirs".  I have travelled all over the world and

Yeah, how dare she questions a guy who represents an organization that visits small towns that have recently endured gun violence right after one of the most horrific examples of gun violence in American history.  Selleck should be able to be a complete ass without anyone questioning him about it, and if they do they

The twins have now compared the suffering of impoverished orphans to them losing their dad as adults and in this episode forcing a taxi driver in a 3rd world country to drive them for over an hour across the island for free, costing him not only his whole day's income but also a tank full of gas.  And judging by the

I was with a friend the other night and we could not for the life of us flag down a cab.  As foreigners in an Asian country, we started with the conspiracy theories. I just randomly shouted out `STILL NO OWL!`. My friend didn`t get the reference, but I had a good laugh to myself.  I think it`s my new catchphrase.

Irina or whatever her name was from the 'lost season' in LA was Persian.