Here to Help

Did anyone else pick up when the twins said, "Orphans are kids who have lost their parents.  And we know what that's like because our dad just passed away."  Uh, yeah.  Poor 3rd world village children losing their parents in natural disaster and forced to live off the charity of others with absolutely no future

The Simpsons may not be as good as they used to be, but at least I only have to listen to them once a week for half an hour instead of the hours upon hours of complaints from internet commentators.  It's been a decade folks, and at least the Simpsons provided the world with years of classic TV before it hit

There were two plot holes/annoyances that I could not accept.

Sarantino+Austin= Yes, please. But while it looks good on paper (and in my sordid imagination) let's remember Tim Gunn's unfortunate turn in whatever spin-off thing he had. I only saw one episode, but that was more than enough. Sometime it's like the cast of Seinfeld, genius in context, baffling on their own.

When Idol first came out my roommate at the time would watch it and I would leave the room and kill a kitten or something. But I found it to be acceptable for those interested because, who cares, it's entertainment and maybe someone with real talent could be 'found'. However, after however many seasons now I just

Moff Hawk: Either you're not gay or there are some euphemism here that are flying over my head.

I had no idea what a kei$ha was until the Simpsons did their start to her song a couple of weeks ago (hey, I live in Asia and there's more than enough terrible, terrible pop music here). Anyway, loving the Simpsons as I do I had to look this up. Now I can honestly say Keisha is what's wrong with pop culture of any

I feel like alot, not all but alot, of the people who liked the finale are people who are told that a painting is profound and then go on and on about it and when someone else asks how it's profound turn around and say, "If you don't get it, I can't explain it to you. Idiot." That's why they seem to be so angry and

Lone Audience: It's not too conceptual. I don't think you meant that as a straight up insult, but it seems like the people who liked the ending keep telling those that didn't that we just don't get it, or that we watched the show for the wrong reasons. Sci-fi, mythology, whatever you want to call it, it's

There seems to be this acceptance that those of us who wanted to know more about the island and the actual lives of these people are somehow more shallow than those happy with knowing that in death they all come together. Well, in real life there are those who are happy having friends, there are those who question

I think to say that the sc-fi elements were only there to show us how sci-fi doesn't matter, or is just a new religion or whatever, is like a guy saying he shops at the GAP ironically. But you're still wearing the khakis, right? An elaborate build-up for something that could have been explained in 5 minutes followed

Holy crap, I just realized that when Sawyer goes down to get Julianne she says "It worked. We should go out for coffee some time." That's what she says to Sawyer when they finally re-connect in sideways world.

Yeah, this finale reminded of me when I got to the last page of The Road and I was like "Fine, so this guy loved his son in a way that was both insanely incomprehensible and yet unspeakably true. But what caused all the ash, and what was with the road warriors, I never got an explanation for them. What a cop-out for

I get it, though, it's about the relationships. But that's not a good story. I watch TV for a story. And for that story to suddenly just say, "Whatever, they love each other, y'know?" is a cop out. It's like going to a baseball game just for the teams to stop playing in the 5th inning and having the ump announce

Ok, relationships are great for the people in them, but as far as story telling goes we need to see people within those relationships to go through things that display and enhance those relationships. This finale was like saying nothing they did mattered because when they die they're all together. Which is probably