NOT Who You Think I Am

Son of a bitch, Charlie. Son of a bitch.

I always assumed she was a huge bitch, but never a diva. This is a sad day for America…n Idol fans who wanted to see this happen.

Amelie hasn't been telling us much of anything these days, she's too busy having a career and all, and, y'know mattering in general to whisper sweet hatreds in our collective ears. Shit, she won't even give us the juicy insider info on which blouse Mindy Kaling is wearing and writing an episode about today.

Guys, seriously, the signed posters and bowl of soup?

I'd take offense at that if I wasn't addicted to your creamy, delicious, warm high fivery.

If they are the same person then who am I?


I'm really going to need you to expand more on the Murray/Michael comparison. I know I'm an idiot, but I can't be so stupid as to only see "working in an office" as the only thing they have in common.

Yes, that is a thing he said in a movie.

Because he has refused.

No, it was killed a while ago, Dick.

No, no, but my sisters, all 3 of them, did.

I'd assume it's because, failing to get laughs (real or fake), Ms. Griffin turns into an actual Griffin and starts eating members of the audience.

I'd watch that in a Kentucky fried minute whilst eating Popeye's chicken, just to feel like I was watching Lost again.

Johnagin Is My Last Comic Standing
I had a bet with my friend that if Mr. Esparza made me laugh once -just once- I would have to buy him coffee for a month. It didn't happen, but hey, congrats for winning I suppose, but I'm a Johnagin man myself.

No you're not being a "dick-dick" you're just stating your opinion and, in your defense, I did not even think about it (and, before you ask I did read the article, but… well that's my fault) when I wrote that comment. So, I apologize for wasting your time, isjoe10.

This idea will be stolen by Tank Jones in 3…2…

I'm pretty sure the fact that I'm an idiot is in my post and does not need to be reiterated in yours.

I like to understand the people I disagree with, even if it means torturing myself by reading their memoirs. Sometimes it helps me see where they are coming from and sometimes it doesn't, I'm really hoping I can gain something from the time I've spent reading the book, but the closer I get to the end the smaller my

Is there a hunting involved in anyway? Does it get to hunt the week's loser for sport at the end of each episode? THAT I would watch.