
What happened to Nick Stahl?

People who hate Kill Bill are silly.

It's really too bad that Master and Commander never got any sequels. That was a fantastic Age of Sail adventure.

Nope, can't stand that movie. I have no idea why, because usually that kind of stuff is right up my alley.

Ahem, it's "The Battle of Pelennor Fields". I'll get off the nerd soapbox now.

Oh yeah, a shout out to The Good, The Bad, The Weird! That movie fucking rules. As for Kill Bill Vol. 1, in my opinion the Crazy 88 fight is one of the best fight scenes ever filmed. The whole movie is just a wonderful homage to classic action movies. My ex-girlfriend wrote her senior thesis in film school on this

I read that in Mac's voice.

Oh there is a new Metro game? Awesome, I really liked the first two.


Yes, the Gianforte situation sucks. He should be punished more than he is. That doesn't mean I think it's suddenly ok to assault those who disagree with me. You are an extremist, same as any alt-right lunatic.

Your defense is an incident that happened 161 years ago?

No, that's not what he is trying to say. My point still stands.

You can try. Good luck posting on the AV Club from jail.

They do, but your freedom doesn't include the right to assassinate politicians who disagree with you.

He may be a piece of shit, but he kind of has a point here. Although he said it in a supremely assholish way. It's a good thing this guy was a bad shot or this could of been much, much worse.

Never said you couldn't. You are however, a gigantic piece of shit. You would preach open revolt against the US government and then talk shit about the very people you would need on your side to win such a revolt. You are either very, very stupid or very, very crazy.

Libya is now a failed state with factions fighting for control all across the country. Our best option was to not get involved in the first place. The "simple revolution" in Libya is anything but. There is even parts of the country under ISIS control.

Take that up with the politicians.

Yeah, fuck those soldiers and marines on the front lines. Make them fight with broken or outdated equipment. Cut their manpower levels so they have to deploy again and again and again without sufficient breaks. But hey, as long as Wussypillow is happy, who cares about the fate of those who have more honor and bravery

The rise of ISIS was in the Iraq insurgency of the mid-2000s. After years of bitter sectarian strife coupled with the pressure cooker of the Syrian Civil War the rise of ISIS was all but inevitable. I for one don't think we should be providing security for the Afghanis and Iraqis for the next 50 goddamn years.