
So end the wars first, then make cuts. To make cuts while still fighting them is madness.

That "you didn't build that" quote was taken waaaaaaay out of context.

I'll give you Cuba, but his policies regarding Libya and Syria were a disaster. Add to the fact that we are STILL in Afghanistan. For what reason, I have no idea. We have yet to see whether the Iran deal was a good one or not. And last but not least, Obama severely underestimated the threat that a resurgent Russia

When did I say we should do that? We need to get the fuck out of the middle east. Obama weakened the military because he defunded it and cut troop levels while simultaneously trying to fight never ending COIN wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya. You can't fight multiple wars while defunding the military and

I don't really think Obama's goal was to divide the country. I'm somewhat mixed on his domestic policies. I think he presided over a terrible weakening of our military and I think his foreign policy was atrocious. That being said, I think his heart was in the right place.

It's better if you actually use arguments to prove your point rather than being a snarky dick. And I say this as someone who generally agrees with you.

Moving, yes. Was there adrenaline involved, no.

Dylan Roof getting a needle in his arm?

Where did I say Black Lives Matter was responsible? A majority of the folks who support that movement are non-violent and honestly, they are doing something that needs to be done. There is an undercurrent of systemic racism in this country that needs to be addressed. That being said, don't you fucking tell me that

Umm there is. Wussypillow is all over this thread calling for political violence against the right and using Trump's words to justify it.

You are literally using Donald Trump quotes to defend calling for political violence.

Wussypillow is a mirror image of the violent lunatics on the right that he excoriates.

I don't agree with most of Senator Sanders positions, but he has never been an advocate of violence. Get bent.

I'm sure you'll be out front leading the charge, right?

So why did Micah Johnson murder five police officers?

That line of thinking is insane. A second American Civil War would make the bloodshed of the Syrian Civil War look like a walk in the park. It could very possibly lead to WW3 and the end of life as we know it on Earth. Everyone (on both sides) needs to calm the fuck down and let the political process do it's work.

So you advocate a race to the depths of morality. Enjoy your chaos and war then.

I understand it, but that doesn't make it right.

I reject that line of thinking. Trump is a degenerate person who should never be emulated.

So your argument is that if Trump does it, then it's ok if I do it too?