
Police officers use handguns. From what I'm reading this guy had an AR-15 with optics. It's much, much easier to hit a target at distance with a rifle than it is with a handgun. Especially if you have optics. I was a non-combat arms soldier who went to the range maybe 5 or 6 times a year and even I was able to hit a

Sure, but saying unkind things is not the same as advocating for an attempted assassination.

Bullshit. Go read the comments section on an average Breitbart article and tell me that Trump supporters don't advocate violence on progressives. Would you consider a white supremacist like Dylan Roof a "leftist"?

Or you can ignore the rot in your own house and continue to blame it all on the other guy.

There have been horrible reactions on both sides. Go look at the comments section on Huffpo and see people claiming this is justified due to the "violence" of the GOP taking away healthcare. The problem is that partisans on both sides continue to dehumanize their political opponents. That makes it more likely for

Thank god this guy was a horrible shot. Anyone with a modicum of firearms training able to get off multiple magazines worth of shots at targets on open ground like that would of left that baseball field littered with bodies.

"None of it has come from the left. The closest is a couple of anarchist assholes who like to smash shit who have come after peaceful protests to engage in vandalism that the right has decided to lie about and claim were liberal protesters and blame their actions on the entire left."

I read an interview of one of the actors (can't remember which one) who said that the main cast were just working out all the time in some ridiculous macho competition over who had the biggest muscles.

I don't like Predator 2. Come at me bro.

Well yeah, it's Verhoeven and all.

The plot switch is so damn effective. They go from unstoppable killing machine commandos to what might as well be teenagers in a Friday the 13th movie in about 10 minutes.

Yeah, that's a pretty good one. I also like "consider that a divorce" from Total Recall.

Predator has the best Arnie one liner of all. "Stick around".

Were you expecting a reply? :P

One of my friends just got out of a long term relationship and is trying out the whole Tinder/OKC thing for the first time. He is absolutely hating it.

She probably gets hundreds of messages too.

Well, obsessing about anything is unhealthy. I really like the show too and would probably call it my favorite comedy currently on air, but it's not something I talk about all the time.

You get a reply?

Fair enough.

Well, it is a pretty nihilistic show.