
It's looking quite likely. The Trump and Never Trump wings of the party hate each other.

Time to get schwifty.


How much more evidence do we need that Trump is gigantic piece of shit?

It's not a specific party, but I always wanted to go hang out in one of the Mass Effect clubs.

Are you serious? Russia is attempting to undermine the very foundations of liberal democracy not only in the United States, but in Europe as well and you call it "relatively mild interference"? Y'all are just 21st century tankies. Only this time the far right and the far left are on the same side, instead of it being

More Big Head! More Jian Yang!


"How do I remain a feminist when my boyfriend comes on my chest every night?"
This had me straight up guffawing.

Definitive proof like every single intelligence agency in the US agreeing that Russia attempted to influence the election? That's more than enough proof for me. I used to be in the IC, I know how rare it is for different agencies to all agree on something like this.

More sanctions, NATO member states beefing up their military spending, giving better arms and equipment to the Ukrainians, etc…

Look, I get that you aren't an American and have a different perspective on this. That doesn't change the fact that Russia committed an unprecedented cyber attack on my country and I have the right to be fucking pissed off about it.

You aren't gonna find me defending Clinton. She was a shitty candidate who ran a terrible campaign. That doesn't mean what the Russians did was ok.

We can go tit-for-tat in dictators if you like? How is the Kim regime working out in North Korea? That's three for the price of one.

Not for much longer. Plus, considering his views on federal banking having Jackson on the 20 is more of a "fuck you" to Jackson than anything else.

Yeah, you are right. He is RIS active measures 101.

Oh right, the Russian people who just voted Stalin, the biggest mass murderer in history, to be their most beloved national icon? http://www.newsweek.com/put…
Putin is number two on the list.

GTFO with that apologist bullshit. I know the US has done some hinky shit in it's time but to insinuate that we should just sit back and take this is fuckery of the highest order. Once Trump is gone, Russia is fucked.

Oh no, poor misunderstood Russia! It's not like they used active intelligence measures in order to facilitate the election of an incompetent, narcissistic buffoon to the presidency. Oh wait, they did. Fuck them.