
What do you think the annexation of Crimea and the war in Donbass is about? The threatening of the Baltic republics?

All those Ukrainian peasants who died in the Holodomor were just capitalist stooges don't ya know?

The endgame is the dissolution of NATO, the humiliation of the US on the national stage, and the return of Russia to great power status.

The whole Jill Stein thing isn't surprising to me at all. If I was gonna plan an intelligence operation to fuck with the internal politics of a rival nation I would try to co-opt both the left and the right.

I'm all for better relations with Russia, but on our terms, not theirs. Get rid of Putin and the rest of the Chekists and we can talk.

Cross of Iron?

Hamburger Hill is great. As much as I like Platoon, I think HH is the best movie on the Vietnam War. I love the FNG scene with Don Cheadle. "Now brush your teeth in a rapid vertical motion, TROOP!"

My first experience with RT was staying at hotels in Korea. It was one of the few English language channels and so I watched a bit without knowing what it really was. It only took about 20 minutes before I turned off the blatantly anti-American bullshit.

Oh, sorry. I misread your statement. Hadn't had my coffee yet lol.

Putin is treating this like a war. He has actively engaged in war against two of Russia's neighbors (Georgia and Ukraine), and threatened war against Sweden should they decide to join NATO. His intelligence services have engaged in attempted election tampering all across Europe and the United States. His goal is the

Opinions, everyone has em. I happen to think it is a great movie.

If you want to ban guns then start a movement to amend the Constitution. Any other way is unconstitutional and therefore illegal. Don't get me wrong, I think there needs to be common sense gun laws that we don't have and we definitely need to get rid of same day purchases but the fact is that gun ownership is

I don't buy that Bush was itching to invade Afghanistan before 9/11. There is literally nothing of value there other than heroin.

All that proves is that a majority of adult Americans are mouth breathing imbeciles.

You are a garbage person.

Platoon is fantastic.

At Russia Today.

I still love Platoon. Whatever else Stone is or has done, he made at least one fantastic movie.

Stone's son works for RT. Fuck Oliver Stone and his bullshit Putin propaganda. This only goes to show how far RIS have gone to co-opt those on both the left and right in the American political spectrum. Remember all the concern about Mike Flynn and his dinner with Putin? Guess who else was there! http://www.nbcnews.com

Saying "that woman smells bad" is insulting all women?