
Better not say anything bad about anyone ever or people might get their feelings hurt!

I'd add family or a friend I haven't seen in a long time in there. For the friends it's not the double arm hug though. They just get the handshake, one-armed backslap hug.

Nope. My answer to anyone telling me that I couldn't wear my hair in a certain way for a specious reason like that would be "fuck off asshole".

As a vet I think the military should impose the same hairstyle restrictions on women that they do on men.

Same thing with me and Korean culture. I actually have worn a hanbok to my friend's wedding and every single Korean I met got a kick out of it. They fucking love it when a foreigner takes an interest in their history and culture.

They put corn and mayo and sweet potatoes on pizza in Korea. To me it's nasty but if Koreans like the taste then I don't really care.

Then that is the fault of the fans. Yet the artist is the one who would get accused of cultural appropriation.

It'd be alot safer for you to kill Hitler after 1918. Unless you just wanted to see the hell that was the Western Front.

Yeah, I gotta go with Led Zeppelin on this one too.

I hold the lawyer responsible. You are the lawyer to the President and you can't even fucking spell "president" correctly in the header? That's goddamn embarrassing.


Well if cops don't have a reason to act as an occupying force anymore than hopefully incidents like that will decrease.

This motherfucker charges $1,500 an hour? Travesty.

No, it won't fix everything but it would go a long way towards making things better. Without the drug war cops won't have a ready made excuse to hassle black and Hispanic Americans and it could go a long way towards ending the horrific violence that plagues low income minority communities in places like Chicago and

Legalize everything.

That's helpful. Not every conservative person supports the unconstitutional war on drugs. I lean center-right. You wanna go to the corner "drug" store and buy a packet of heroin? I think you should be able to do it. As long as you aren't committing crimes while high or robbing people to feed your drug habit then it


I honestly didn't understand why people were so mad at her. Her actions had nothing to do with the events that led to the sinking. The lion's share of the blame lay with the ferry company and the ship's bridge crew. I guess she could of been more vocal in her condolences, but I was pretty shocked at how people turned

I was living in South Korea when they elected Park Geun-hye. I actually liked her because she had a tough stance on North Korea. My g/f at the time fucking HATED her though and I couldn't understand why. After the whole Choi Soon-Sil story broke I called up my ex and basically said "yeah, you were right".

I admire that Korean filmmakers are so adverse to happy endings in their movies.