
Ugh, squid jerky is fucking nasty. Korean theaters are dope though.

Anyone read Comey's prepared testimony? Pretty blatant abuse of power. Any lawyers want to comment on whether it reaches the standard of obstruction of justice?

Thanks buddy. :)

Good to hear.

Well played.

And you are wrong.

True, it is irrelevant at this point but it really bugs me when I hear people who have no IC experience saying she did nothing wrong.

At the very minimum she should of had her clearance pulled. It's amazing to me the shit that the people in power get away with that would doom someone farther down the chain. Like Kushner, after all the shit that has come out about him lying on his SF-86 there is no fucking way he should still have access to

Well the report does say that the NSA requested redactions after hearing that the Intercept was planning on releasing the report. That's probably what was redacted.

Rural v. urban.

Don Jr. and Eric = Uday and Qusay.

I'm not totally sure. Access to classified material is compartmentalized. My target was North Korea, so I wasn't privy to the Russia mission. My best guess is that the report contained sources and methods of tracking Russian hacking, which are always highly classified.

I never said a resistance would be easy. It would be incredibly bloody and protracted and I hope it never comes down to that. I'm a veteran, I know exactly what my chances are on the modern battlefield. However, I hope you all would be willing take up arms if Trump is able to successfully become the dictator he so

"the afghans aren't fighting their friends, neighbors, and relatives." Tell that to the tens of thousands of ANA soldiers and Afghan national police officers who have been killed fighting the Taliban.

The rules that Secretary Clinton broke would have gotten Corporal Bearstronaut court-martialed and thrown in Leavenworth.

And yet people on this very board paint anyone who is not a progressive in very broad strokes. This isn't about left vs. right anymore. This is patriots v. traitors who sold us out to Russia. I'm concerned because the American left has a history of anti-gun ideology. If it comes down to war then I should hope that

Afghans have been able to resist ISAF forces for 16 years.

Why did you attack me? I'm not a liberal, but I am not some crazy Trump supporter either. I wasn't being sarcastic. I am part of the anti-Trump resistance as well.

So what-aboutisms are your defense? That's the argument of a child. Moreover, that's the argument of the Trump administration defending their illegal actions. I never said that Clinton's actions are equal to what Trump has and is accused of doing. That doesn't mean she didn't break the laws regarding the handling of

I'm fully ok with wishing death on someone. If these Trump/Russia allegations turn out to be true everyone involved should be put up against a wall. After a trial of course.