
I hope all you liberals are learning how to use firearms if you don't already.

Make no mistake, Clinton broke the rules regarding her emails. Still, she would be far and away a better president than Trump.

Sure you are. You come from an entirely different culture than the one I do. Even if you are British there are enough differences to be interesting.

I get what you're saying, but I've never even been to Africa. I wouldn't call myself an African immigrant.

Eh, I'm not a liberal anyways.

My g/f of six months just got a job in Hong Kong and wants me to move there with her. I like her well enough, but I'm hesitant to move to another country with her after only dating for half a year. IDK, maybe I'm a selfish asshole.

His asshole supporters think that Russia are the good guys and that our enemies are this country's intelligence services. It's fucking bizarre that so-called conservatives believe that shit.

Yeah, it sucks. Them's the breaks when we have a reality star moron as President. I can't wait till he has a massive coronary or stroke due to the pressures of office.

Made possible via vast amounts of American material through the Lend-Lease Act. In addition to the US fighting a whole other war in the Pacific with no help from the USSR and minor help from the British Commonwealth.

I don't think she is that funny.

I don't get people who don't like immigrants. Y'all are fucking interesting.

The walls are closing in and he is freaking out. His only defense at this point is to obfuscate and sow doubt in the media.


His point was that people who listen to that kind of rap music tolerate the n-word, not that all black people listen to that kind of rap music. I don't agree with the point, but it's pretty obvious what he was saying.

Come on man, that's not what he said. You're better than blatantly putting words in his mouth.

That makes me sad.


Well that was in the 80s so, the mall?

35P. Yeah, the Army was exactly what I needed at that age. I got out after my first enlistment though.

To a Westerner, yeah. Koreans use it for all white people though.