
I like the Korean one "kojangi". It means "big-nosed person".

My uncle was 28 when he started dating my 16 year old aunt. Creepy yeah, but they've been married for 26 years now so whatever.

I was lucky. My parents got divorced when I was twenty. Add to the fact that I joined the army right around that time so I didn't really have to deal with the fallout like my younger siblings did.

Well there is doofus Rick so why not a genius Jerry?

Never even heard of Froissart. That is interesting though, I'll have to check it out.

Who could have foreseen that allowing millions of people the power to project their ignorant opinions anonymously would be a bad thing?

Tolkien deserves some slack for his creations. The dude fought at the Somme, he was entitled to escape into his fanciful, unrealistic world.

People were always morons. People are still morons.

I don't think ideology can be funny. It's only funny if it's being mocked.

People are piling on Kathy Griffen because instead of saying "yeah I fucked up" and accepting the consequences like an adult she went out and had a fucking press conference with her lawyer to bitch about how unfair everyone is being.

Same here.

One of my friends in high school printed out one of their headlines and put it on the board of the office I used to hang out in between classes. It was the "Special Olympics T-ball Stand Pitches Perfect Game" one and I just about collapsed from laughter. After I found out where it had come from I spent a lot of time

Diamond Joe was also a fucking great character.

You make a lot of good points. I still enjoyed the book, but I will definitely agree that it is the weakest of the three.

That dude is still around? I feel like I haven't seen a post of his in years.

True that. Firing a M2 .50 cal is fun as hell. I would also never, ever want to be on the receiving end.

Sure, let's see 'em.

It felt a bit rushed (probably due to all the time spent at Harvard) but I thought the ending was fine.

The source material is pretty great though.

For the most part. I think City of Mirrors delved a little too deeply into Zero's past. I don't need to read about the bad guy's entire freshman year at Harvard, Cronin!