
I've read the whole book series. The escort mission part will probably only be a third of season one.

Oh damn, they are making a show based on the The Passage series? Good shit. So Gosselaar is gonna play Wolgast huh? I always pictured him as middle-aged and grizzled. I can't wait to see who they cast as Amy.

I hope you're right.

Trump supporter and NRA member has quite an overlap.

I've actually heard Trumpers say that. Part of the reason I think this is headed for some sort of armed conflict. Even if(when) Trump is dragged out of the White House and tried for treason there are going to be millions of Americans who don't think he did anything wrong. They don't care that Trump likely made a deal

That's why we need to stop him.

They went from "We have no contacts with anyone from Russia" to "What, everyone tries to arrange backchannel comms in the Russian embassy before the inauguration" pretty damn fast.

Be fair, liberals aren't the only ones opposing Trump. This isn't about left vs. right anymore. This is patriotic Americans vs. traitors who sold us out to the Russians.

I'm inclined to agree. Richard Shirreff, British Army general and former Deputy Commander of NATO wrote a book last year stating as much. He says that Putin is counting on the US and the NATO powers to back down in the face of Russian aggression in fear of nuclear conflict. Scary stuff, and the book didn't even touch

Ballsy. You would risk nuclear conflict?

Agreed. We are already in a state of cyber-war with Russia. We need to let them know that this kind of shit won't be tolerated in the future.

People tend to overlook that whole "non-binding" thing.

You first bud.

Uhhh ok…

Yup, that happened to me in high school. I was really good friends with this girl for a couple years and developed pretty strong feelings for her. When I finally told her how I felt she was like "Dude, I like chicks". I had to take a break from our friendship to let the feelings die down and we just drifted apart.

Nah, you should still fuck around with him. It's still nominally a free country and this straight, white, cis guy has your back.

Kimmy Schmidt is back? Awesome, I need more Titus in my life.

I ended up in a riot in South Korea one time completely by accident. My girlfriend at the time and I were just hanging out in Seoul and left the subway station near the Blue House (the ROK White House) and walked right into a big ol' fashioned Korean political demonstration. This was right after the ferry Sewol had

Jesus tittyfucking Christ… Those guys look like absolute fools.

Sam's boat trip in AFFC fleshes out the Summer Islander culture a little bit.