
He said that a soldier's loyalty is not to the nation. Anyone who has served would beg to differ. The oath of enlistment is:

I completely agree.

McMaster is likely in damage control mode. What's he going to do, go out and say "Yup, POTUS totally revealed classified info to the Russians in violation of the wishes of the nation who generously provided this intelligence to us in the first place." If that had happened he would immediately be fired and not in a

Never been in the military have you?

Not just no, but fuck no. The God Emperor can never be wrong, didn't you know that?

That's fair.

I'm not defending him. What he did was a foolish, foolish thing. Unfortunately, what he did was not illegal.

I have never understood the appeal of this stuff.

Yup, it is absolutely the President's prerogative to declassify any classified information. It is also the prerogative for allied countries to stop sharing intelligence with us because they fear the President will just blurt it out to the next Russian who comes into earshot. Just because you can do something, doesn't

Drinking and rides don't mix well with me.

If I'm going to a bar in NYC then it's gonna be McSorley's.

"What's the capitol of Texas?"

There are two types of people from Jersey. Those that can't wait to get out and those that want to stay there forever.

Andy Dick is still alive?

Good point.

As much as I love the A Song of Ice and Fire universe, I think five spinoff shows is a bit much.


Doing touristy shit with foreigners is always fun. I grew up in the NJ suburbs of NYC so the city has never really had that mystique for me, but when I was in high school my dad's British friend's son came over and stayed with my family for a month in the summer. We went into the city and did a bunch of touristy shit

It's ok, I don't live there anymore.

Racist, traitorous scum.