
When I got to language school after basic training my fellow trainees and I were still on restriction. For one of our assignments to get our privileges back our platoon sergeant had us watch The Hurt Locker. After the movie he told us to write a two page essay detailing "what was wrong with that fucking movie".

Definitely take it with a grain of salt. However, Louise Mensch was the one who broke the story about the FISA court and Claude Taylor broke the story about grand juries being convened. They don't deserve to be dismissed out of hand.

Nah, there are plenty of Americans and Brits around these parts.

Never say never.

Firing Comey just accelerated his downfall. I expect there to be indictments against major Trump admin members before the end of the month.

Lots of RUMINT coming down from the natsec and IC communities saying that RICO charges are pending against Trump and Co. Get ready for President Orrin Hatch.

You'd think that a muj sniper would quote from the Quran before quoting Poe.

I don't think it's a bad movie, and I actually like Kathryn Bigelow as a director. However, the military operations it depicts are laughably incorrect. Stuff like Generation Kill shows that you can accurately depict life in the military and still tell a good story.

I'm pretty sure the army is the only branch where recruits don't call their drill sergeants "sir". Shit, airmen call their NCOs "sir" even after they finish their weak-ass basic.

"Thank Bowie" is great. I might have to start using that.

The number one item on my bucket list is to piss on his grave.

Both his dickhead sons have said that.

There is a Russian movie called "Battle for Sevastopol" that is about the sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko. I haven't seen it so I don't know if it's any good, but Pavlichenko's story is pretty cool. She killed something like 300 German soldiers and got sent over to the US and went on a public relations tour with Eleanor

I doubt the writer of the review knows the term NCOIC.

All those damn polite southerners kept getting the whole platoon smoked in basic because they couldn't stop calling the DSs "sir".

I don't expect a film reviewer to know proper military terminology.

"Anyone who runs is a VC. Anyone who stands still, is a well-disciplined VC".

Which was the dumbest fucking part of a really dumb movie. A team of EOD techs just joyriding out in the middle of the Iraqi desert by themselves get attacked by a sniper and suddenly they are expert counter-snipers? Come on now.

That movie that Goebbels makes in Inglorious Basterds? In all seriousness though, American Sniper is pretty good.

Jooooooohn Cena!! Doo doo doo doooooo.