
Oh isn't that just the best? When I flew home to NJ after my tour in Korea my seat was in one of those 4 seat middle of the plane sections. No one else sat next to me so I was able to lie down and sleep for the majority of the 15 hour flight.

You can read his tweets and watch his interviews and still think the guy is all there mentally?

Took me a second to remember what that quote is from.

A "more ideological Breitbart"? Is such a thing even possible?

From my time as an army SIGINT analyst I know about the broad rules and regulations regarding the handling and dissemination of classified material but as I am not a lawyer I don't know the nitty gritty details of the law. Especially in regards to a case like this with classified material being used as evidence.

Mine doesn't. If I forget to kick him out of the room and close the door he just sits there and stares.

Man, you would hate being me.

You can't. To de-classify the information would also reveal the means of obtaining said information. It sucks, I know.

If any Trump apologists try and defend His Corpulency by saying that there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia hit them with this. http://observer.com/2017/04…
John Schindler is a conservative columnist and former NSA senior analyst with extensive connections in the intel community. He has been saying

It looks like they are trying to.

Nah, your comment was perfectly legit. nb64 is trying to find reason for conflict.

I'm a small government conservative and don't like this one bit.

That is pretty fucking badass. Way to go Ben Kanahele!

Grand jury subpoenas to LTG Flynn's associates have been sent out.

North Korea already has nukes.

Oh I know why they voted for him. Park Geun-hye was a crazy, corrupt piece of shit and killed the Saenuri Party's chances. The centrists and the weakened conservatives split half the vote which enabled the Minjoo Party to claim the presidency. Just because South Koreans voted for him doesn't mean that the Sunshine

Moon Jae-in is an asshole. He blames the previous conservative administrations for not preventing North Korea from developing nuclear weapons when it was the Sunshine Policy that he advocated as liberal President Roh Moo-hyun's chief of staff that funded the North Korean weapons program.

Trump hadn't just fired the head of the agency investigating his ties to Russia in February.

This is banana republic level shit.