
Are you thinking of the Korean War?

Bro, I was a Korean linguist in the army. I know what the fuck I'm talking about.

You best read up on your history friend. Korea was a Japanese colony from 1910 until their surrender in August 1945. So while they weren't exactly our enemies, Koreans didn't really fight alongside US forces. Here is a little primer to get you started.

Dreamcast had Soul Caliber 2. That was a pretty dope game. I can't remember what the big PS2 launch title was.


Stone Mountain is pretty cool, but yeah fuck those rebs.

Guillermo del Toro?

Yeah, you got Mario 64 for the N64 and Halo for the original Xbox. That's all the good ones I can think of.

NYC sucks balls. I wouldn't call myself a native New Yorker, but I did grow up in the Jersey suburbs. That gives me at least some authority on the matter I think. If I never have to go back to that smelly, overpriced, way too crowded metropolis I will be perfectly happy.

In WW2? I suppose you could play as a Korean laborer conscripted into the Japanese army and be forced to fight US Marines at gunpoint.

Have you read E. B. Sledge's memoir? Malek's characterization of Snafu is just about perfect. Almost everything they filmed for the show is something that Sledge actually saw or participated in.

As the current champs, Pats fans have no right to complain about anything.

It was pretty simple game design, but I don't think it was bad.

At least the older WW2 themed CoDs had you play as Russians, Poles, Brits, and Canadians.

The 1st Infantry Division? Way to tell new stories Sledgehammer…

Ehh, most of human history can be boiled down to groups of various sizes being led by madmen.

It's one of those movies that isn't bad by itself, but the fact that it is a poor adaptation brings it down a few notches.

That Xbox One game Ryse is a perfect example. It was a beautiful tech demo for the graphical capabilities of the new console but was an atrocious game.

I don't think so. It's been a few years since I've seen any of them but I'm pretty sure the only way to become a zombie in Romero's movies is to be bitten by a zombie.