
Well, I could see how it happens in TWD where every single person who dies becomes a zombie.

It looks nice. Too bad its not a real game.

I think the Terminal Lance guy's graphic novel would make a pretty good movie.

I have to give it to Trump. He has pretty successfully cultivated that cult of personality enough that some of his supporters will still back him if he does the complete opposite of everything he said he would do.

That happened a lot when I was stationed in Korea. I have red hair so a lot of the ROK soldiers who I worked with always asked if they could touch my hair.

Yes, but I'm a snarky asshole so I probably made it worse.

High five bro/lady bro!

No need to discern their thoughts. They are pretty clearly written in the Constitution. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…".

They've been that long before Trump.

Nah, now we are gonna fund Obamacare as long as the Dems fund his wall that Mexico is still totally gonna pay for.

I love that belief by the Trumpers. That he is so smart, awesome, and badass but none of his shit is getting done because everyone in DC is just outplaying him.

Probably not. Doesn't mean what he did was ok. O'Reilly is going to be fine. He got millions of dollars from FOX when he left and still has thousands people like you who will still listen to his podcasts.

Yes, the folly of electing a degenerate con-man like Trump president instead of a principled conservative like Cruz or a good man like Kasich.


How is he wrong?

Sexual harassment isn't an offense that leads to jail time. At most, it should lead to loss of job and/or a lawsuit by the person being harassed. You do know that there are recordings of O'Reilly sexually harassing a women named Andrea Mackris right?

Yes, the left covers for their own. I happen to think that conservatives should not be like the left and call out misogynist assholes like O'Reilly. Looks like you are more of a leftist than I am.

How do you feel about Bill Cosby?

Your logic is flawed and I'm not a liberal. Others here will back me up on that.

A. to
B. too
C. two
D. 2